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(Labelled the page with the new {{historical}} template to mark the content as being out of date.)
(Switch to the {{historical svn}} template.)
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{{historical|The relax source code is now hosted in a git rather than svn repository.}}
{{historical svn}}

Revision as of 11:44, 27 October 2017

Caution  The information in this section is out of date but is kept for historical reasons. The relax source code is now hosted in a git rather than svn repository.

relax branches at github

You should install msysgit on windows, to do the commands.

The relax_trunk

Go to https://github.com/nmr-relax/relax_trunk
Click Fork.

Now add this as a private remote, by setting the remote name hub.

 # Windows
 set relax_trunk="C:\WinPython27\relax\relax_trunk"
 md %relax_trunk%
 cd %relax_trunk%
 # Linux
 bash ;
 mkdir -p ${relax_trunk}
 cd $relax_trunk

 git init 
 # Windows
 git remote add origin https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_trunk.git
 git remote add hub https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/%GIT_USER_NAME%/relax_trunk.git
 # Linux
 git remote add origin https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_trunk.git
 git remote add hub https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/${GIT_USER_NAME}/relax_trunk.git 

 # Or if you have setup a SSH key in github, and tested with: ssh -T git@github.com
 git remote set-url origin git@github.com:nmr-relax/relax_trunk.git
 git remote set-url hub git@github.com:${GIT_USER_NAME}/relax_trunk.git

 git fetch origin
 git checkout --track origin/master
 git fetch hub


 ## Now we add the user scripts repo
 # Windows
 git clone https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts.git
 # Linux
 git clone https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts.git

Go to https://github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts
Click Fork.

 cd relax_scripts
 # Windows
 git remote add hub https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/%GIT_USER_NAME%/relax_scripts.git
 # Linux
 git remote add hub https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/${GIT_USER_NAME}/relax_scripts.git

The relax_disp

Go to https://github.com/nmr-relax/relax_disp
Click Fork.

Now add this as a private remote, by setting the remote name hub.

 # Windows
 set relax_disp="C:\WinPython27\relax\relax_disp"
 md %relax_disp%
 cd %relax_disp%
 # Linux
 bash ;
 mkdir -p ${relax_disp}
 cd $relax_disp

 git init 
 # Windows
 git remote add origin https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_disp.git
 git remote add hub https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/%GIT_USER_NAME%/relax_disp.git
 # Linux
 git remote add origin https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_disp.git
 git remote add hub https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/${GIT_USER_NAME}/relax_disp.git 

 git fetch origin
 git checkout --track origin/master
 git fetch hub


 ## Now we add the user scripts repo
 # Windows
 git clone https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts.git
 # Linux
 git clone https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts.git

Go to https://github.com/nmr-relax/relax_scripts
Click Fork.

 cd relax_scripts
 # Windows
 git remote add hub https://%GIT_USER_NAME%@github.com/%GIT_USER_NAME%/relax_scripts.git
 # Linux
 git remote add hub https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/${GIT_USER_NAME}/relax_scripts.git

How the import to github was done

Based on these posts and on this recommended post, and also this post.

You need an authors.txt file, to correctly convert the metadata.

 bash ;
 relax=$HOME/backup/relax ;
 relax_trunk=${relax}/relax_trunk ;
 relax_disp=${relax}/relax_disp ;
 mkdir -p ${relax_trunk} ${relax_disp} ;

 git svn clone http://svn.gna.org/svn/relax/trunk --no-metadata -A authors.txt ${relax_trunk} ;
 cp authors.txt ${relax_trunk} ;
 cat ${relax_trunk}/.git/config
 cp ${relax_trunk}/.git/config ${relax_trunk}/.git/config_bck
 awk '{gsub(a,b);print}' a=".*authorsfile =.*" b="        authorsfile = ${relax_trunk}/authors.txt" ${relax_trunk}/.git/config_bck > ${relax_trunk}/.git/config
 cat ${relax_trunk}/.git/config

 git svn clone http://svn.gna.org/svn/relax/branches/relax_disp --no-metadata -A authors.txt ${relax_disp} ;
 cp authors.txt ${relax_disp} ;
 cat ${relax_disp}/.git/config
 cp ${relax_disp}/.git/config ${relax_disp}/.git/config_bck
 awk '{gsub(a,b);print}' a=".*authorsfile =.*" b="        authorsfile = ${relax_disp}/authors.txt" ${relax_disp}/.git/config_bck > ${relax_disp}/.git/config
 cat ${relax_disp}/.git/config

Setup remotes to github

For branch trunk

 cd $relax_trunk
 git config --add user.name "Your Name"
 git config --add user.email you@example.com
 git config --add core.editor "nano"
 git config --add github.user ${GIT_USER_NAME}
 # If you are a member of the organization, with writing permissions, then do:
 git remote add origin https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_trunk.git

Now go to github.com at https://github.com/organizations/nmr-relax click Repositories -> New.
Call it relax_trunk. We want to preserve history , so do not Initialize this repository with a README or anything like, README or .gitignore.

Then send svn branch master of to github

 git push -u origin master

For branch relax_disp

 cd $relax_disp
 git config --add user.name "Your Name"
 git config --add user.email you@example.com
 git config --add core.editor "nano"
 git config --add github.user ${GIT_USER_NAME}
 # If you are a member of the organization, with writing permissions, then do:
 git remote add origin https://${GIT_USER_NAME}@github.com/nmr-relax/relax_disp.git

Now go to github.com at https://github.com/organizations/nmr-relax click Repositories -> New.
Call it relax_disp. We want to preserve history , so do not Initialize this repository with a README or anything like, README or .gitignore.

Then send svn branch master of to github

 git push -u origin master

git operations

Get new changes from svn repository and push to github

git co master
git svn fetch
git rebase --onto remotes/git-svn
git push origin master

Saving credentials

See this post

echo "machine github.com login ${GIT_USER_NAME} password SECRET" >> ~/.netrc
chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
ls -la ~/.netrc
cat ~/.netrc

Setup cronjob

Checking each 15 minutes

crontab -e

# Add
*/15 * * * * $HOME/backup/nmrrelax_sync_svn_git.sh

Sync script from SVN to Github

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Script for syncing SVN to git automatically using cron.

# exec test
exec_test () {
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "-- Command successfully executed" || echo "-- Command failed; exit 1"

# Filenames
mydate=`date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M'`
mytime=`date '+%T %Y%m%d'`

# Set paths to do the mail sync
mkdir -p $backupfolder $backupfolderurl

# Set paths to GIT

# Logging
exec 3>&1 4>&2
trap 'exec 2>&4 1>&3' 0 1 2 3
exec 1>>${backupfolder}/nmrrelax_svn_git_sync.log 2>&1
# Everything below will go to the log file

dump_base () {
echo "###########################"
echo "STARTING on: $mytime"
echo "Dumping URL webpage revisions..."
#lftp -e "open ftp://${dbuser}:${dbpwd}@${dbhost} && mirror --no-perms --exclude-glob backup_scripts/ --exclude-glob cache/ --exclude-glob LocalSettings.php --parallel=10 && bye"
lynx -dump $urlhost > ${backupfolderurl}/${dumpdate}
currev=`grep -E '^     \* \[5\]r' ${backupfolderurl}/${dumpdate} | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c5-`
branch=`grep -E '^     \* \[5\]r' -A 5 ${backupfolderurl}/${dumpdate} | grep -m 1 -e '\/branches\/relax_disp\|\/trunk'`

# Echo revision to log
echo "Current revision is: $currev"
# Write to current revision file
echo "$currev" > ${backupfolder}/${curfile}

# Write to current branch file
echo "$branch" > ${backupfolder}/${branchfile}

# Make string replacements in branch file
## Replace empty spaces with nothing
sed -i 's/ \+//g' ${backupfolder}/${branchfile}
## Replace with relax trunk
sed -i "s/.*\/trunk.*/trunk/g" ${backupfolder}/${branchfile}
## Replace with relax disp
sed -i "s/.*\/branches\/relax_disp.*/relax_disp/g" ${backupfolder}/${branchfile}
# Set current branch from the file
curbranch=`cat ${backupfolder}/${branchfile}`

# Echo branch to log
echo "This is branch: $curbranch"

# If previous revision does not exist, then create it.
if [ ! -e ${backupfolder}/${prevfile} ] ; then
touch ${backupfolder}/${prevfile}

do_git_sync () {
echo "Checking if need for for new commits ..."
DIFF=`diff -q ${backupfolder}/${curfile} ${backupfolder}/${prevfile}`
echo -e "Difference between current revision and current current revision is:\n${DIFF}\n"
if [ "$LENDIFFARR" -gt "0" ]

echo -e "#Now doing git sync for: $curbranch"
echo "Changed revision to ${currev}"
echo "$currev" > ${backupfolder}/${prevfile}

if [ "$curbranch" == "trunk" ]
echo "Now doing something for trunk"
cd $relax_trunk
git svn fetch
git rebase --onto remotes/git-svn
git push origin master

if [ "$curbranch" == "relax_disp" ]
echo "Now doing something for relax_disp"
cd $relax_disp
git svn fetch
git rebase --onto remotes/git-svn
git push origin master


dump_base ; exec_test
do_git_sync ; exec_test

echo "Done, quit!"

See also