719 bytes added,
13:00, 13 June 2013 == Coding editor ==
A lightweight editor, could be pyscripter. <br>
This helps with syntax high-lighting and includes the interpreter. <br>
Install from: https://code.google.com/p/pyscripter/
To let pyscripter find [[winpython]], you need to register it in the windows registry. <br>
'''Advanced->Register distribution->Yes'''
Remember to check that indention is set to equal 4 spaces " ", under Tools/Options/Editor Options <br>
Also set: Run/Python Engine/Remote (Tk) (Matplotlib uses the Tk) <br>
Test that everything is working, for example by this script, and hit the green play button. <br>
from pylab import *
a = array(range(10))
b = 10*a
== See also ==