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Epd canopy

656 bytes added, 12:41, 9 June 2014
The user who holds the shared software is called: '''software'''.<br>
The path to the Canopy installation is: '''/sbinlab2/software/python-enthought-dis/canopy-1.4.0-full-rh5-64'''.
=== Install ===
<source lang="bash">
canopy_cli --common-install --no-gui-setup --install-dir $PWD
=== Make tcsh activation script ===
Now we want to make a tcsh activation script.
<source lang="bash">
cat > cshr_epd cshrc_epd << 'EOF'
set EPDUSER=$PWD/Canopy_64bit/User
# Sed can use any separator instead of / in the s command. Just use something that is not encountered in the path: s+AAA+BBB+
sed -i "s+MYINSTALLDIR+$EPDUSER+g" cshr_epdcshrc_epdgrep "set VIRTUAL_ENV" cshr_epdcshrc_epd</source> === Add to shared cshrc ===Let the user ''software''' has a shared '''cshrc''' file, which all users with source from their own '''$HOME/.cshrc''' file. <source lang="bash">cat >> $HOME/cshrc << EOF#--------------------------------------------------------------# Enthought Python distribution# Canopy#--------------------------------------------------------------# Alias 'ap' as activate python.alias ap 'source $PWD/cshrc_epd'EOF</source>  === For all users ===Each user needs to put in their '''.cshrc''' file <source lang="bash">source /sbinlab2/software/cshrc

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