= Description =
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This is a major bugfix release and the first requiring numpy ≥ 1.6 to allow for faster calculations for certain analyses. There have been improvements to the GUI user functions, the ^[[?1034h escape code is finally suppressed on Linux systems, and the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_com.html structure.com user function] has been added. Bugfixes include the proper handling of R<sub>2A</sub><sup>0</sup> and R<sub>2B</sub><sup>0</sup> parameters in the [[:Category:relaxation dispersion|relaxation dispersion]] models, the [[IT99]] dispersion model t<sub>ex</sub> parameter was incorrectly handled, the [[LM63 3-site]] dispersion models had a fatal mistake in its equations, files with multiple extensions (for example *.pdb.gz) are now correctly handled, and closing the free file format window in Mac OS X systems caused the GUI to freeze. Full details can be found below.
For this release, the Mac OS X framework used to build the universal 3-way (ppc, i386, x86_64) binaries for the stand-alone relax application has been updated. The relax application now bundles Python 2.7.8, numpy 1.8.1, scipy 0.14.0, nose 1.3.3, wxPython osx-cocoa (classic), matplotlib 1.3.1, epydoc 3.0.1, [[OpenMPI|mpi4py 1.3.1]] and py2app 0.8.1. This should result in better formatted relax state and results files and give access to more advanced packages for power users to take advantage of.
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= Download =
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The new relax versions can be downloaded from http://www.nmr-relax.com/download.html. If binary distributions are not yet available for your platform and you manage to compile the binary modules, please consider contributing these to the relax project (described in section 3.6 of the relax manual, http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_distribution_archives.html).
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= CHANGES file =
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Version 3.2.3 <br/>
(1 July 2014, from /trunk) <br/>
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== Features ==
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* Improvements for a number of GUI elements used in the user function windows.
* The ^[[?1034h escape code should now no longer be emitted by GNU readline on Linux systems.
* Created the very basic [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_com.html structure.com user function] for calculating the centre of mass. This is to simply allow an easy interface to the pipe_control.structure.mass.pipe_centre_of_mass() function.
* Expansion of the REMARK section of the PDB file created for the internal structural object. This is visible when using the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_write_pdb.html structure.write_pdb user function], as well as the many other user functions which create PDB files. The relax version as well as the file creation date are now recorded in the PDB file. This extra information should be very useful. Empty lines in the REMARK section improve the formatting.
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== Changes ==
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* Added proper sectioning to the release checklist document.
* Added the upload script to the release checklist document.
* Created the new lib.structure.files module. This currently contains the single find_pdb_files() function which will be used to find all *.pdb, *.pdb.gz and *.pdb.bz2 versions of the PDB file in a given path.
* Fix for the breakage of the relax help system. This was reported at http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.science.nmr.relax.devel/6481. The problem was that the TERM environmental variable was turned off to avoid the GNU readline library on Linux systems emitting the ^[[?1034h escape code. See the message at http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.science.nmr.relax.devel/6481/focus=6489 for more details. However the Python help system obviously requires this environmental variable. Now only if the TERM variable is set to 'xterm' will it be reset, and to 'linux' instead of the blank string "". This does not affect any relax releases.
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== Bugfixes ==
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* Fix for the wrong unpacking of R<sub>2A</sub><sup>0</sup> and R<sub>2B</sub><sup>0</sup> in model [[CR72 full]]. [https://gna.org/bugs/?22146 Bug #22146 Unpacking of R<sub>2A</sub><sup>0</sup> and R<sub>2B</sub><sup>0</sup> is performed wrong for clustered "full" dispersion model]
* Fix for the wrong unpacking of R<sub>2A</sub><sup>0</sup> and R<sub>2B</sub><sup>0</sup> in model [[B14 full]]. [https://gna.org/bugs/?22146 Bug #22146 Unpacking of R<sub>2A</sub><sup>0</sup> and R<sub>2B</sub><sup>0</sup> is performed wrong for clustered "full" dispersion models].
* Fixed the packing out of parameter t<sub>ex</sub> for global analysis in model [[IT99]]. [https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?22220 Bug #22220: Unpacking of parameters for global analysis in model IT99, is performed wrong].
* Fix for [https://gna.org/bugs/?22257 bug #22257, the freezing of the GUI after using the free file format window on Mac OS X]. This is a recurring problem in Mac OS X as it cannot be tested in the relax test suite. The problem is with wxPython. The modal dialogs, such as the free file format window, cannot be destroyed on Mac OS X using wx.Dialog.Destroy() - this kills wxPython and hence kills relax. The problem does not exist on any other operating system. To fix this, all wx.Dialog.Destroy() calls have been replaced with wx.Dialog.Close().
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= Links =
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For reference, the following links are also part of the announcement for this release:
* [http://wiki.nmr-relax.com/Relax_3.2.3 Official release notes]
* [https://mail.gna.org/public/relax-announce/2014-07/msg00000.html Local archives]
* [http://marc.info/?l=relax-announce&m=140442704628884&w=2 MARC]
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= Announcements =