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Relax 1.3.5

794 bytes added, 17:34, 20 September 2014
User function HTML manual links.
* Epydoc docstring improvements/fixes for the API documentation.
* Many updates using 2to3 preparing for a transition to Python 3.x.
* Renamed the [ pipe.list() user function ] to [ pipe.display()].
* Created a base class for the user function classes. More user function back end simplifications.
* Addition of many new RelaxError classes for the user function interface.
* Added a very basic, and completely empty module and class for SRLS analysis.
* Redesign of the relax state loading for adding support for a XML formatted state file.
* Shifted the [ results.write() ] force arg to the end.
* Created the relax data store is_empty() method.
* Renamed the [ state.load() ] and [ ] directory argument from dir_name to dir for consistency with the rest of relax.
* Redesigned the relaxation curve fitting grid search for the new design of the minfx grid search.
* Redesigned the N-state model grid search setup around the new minfx interface.
* Redesigned the model-free grid search setup around the new minfx interface.
* Renamed the '' sample script to ''.
* Added the spin_id_col arg to the [ user function].* Changes to the [ ] and [ ] user function interfaces.
* Column numbering now starts at 1 rather than 0 within the user functions.
* The relax_io.read_spin_data_file() function has been created to handle all columnar text files where each row corresponds to a spin.
* Added user variable checking to the script.
* Added functions for determining the element name and isotope number from an isotope name.
* Added frame order methods necessary for the [ user function].
* Huge clean up / redesign of the specific analysis internal API.
* Better layout of the user functions in the relax manual significantly dropping the page count.
* Modified the alignment tensor print out to be more compact.
* The PCS centre can now be forcefully overwritten.
* Added the back end to the [ rdc.back_calc() user function ] (making it functional).
* Modified all the specific analysis overfit_deselect() methods to warn when spins are deselected.
* [ align_tensor.display() ] now prints the magnetic susceptibility tensor.
* The rotation matrix to Euler angle algorithms have been converted to the general one of Ken Shoemake.
* Simplifications and clean up of the prompt and script UI code.
* Partially removed the need for downstream Fink specific modifications.
* Creation of the NOE auto-analysis module.
* Fixes for the [ structure.load_spins() user function ] docstring for RNA/DNA work.* The [ n_state_model.select_model() user function ] can now change the model.
* Added a maximum global iteration arg and check into the module[d'Auvergne and Gooley, 2007][d'Auvergne and Gooley, 2008b].
<section end=changes/>
* Fix for the calls to transpose_14().
* Bug fix for the relaxation curve-fitting difference plot script.
* Fix for the [ spin.number() user function], the number can be None to reset the values.* Fix for the [ script() user function], the function intro flag at the end of executing an external script was not being restored.
* Improvements to the optimisation tests ([ bug #14173], [ bug #14174], [ bug #14175], [ bug #14176], [ bug #14177], [ bug #14182]).
* Fix for the R_euler_zyz() rotation matrix function.
* Fixed the PDF manual compilation ([ bug #14464]).
* Fix for the retrieval of bond vectors for the N-state model.
* Fixes for the [ user function ] interface.
* Epydoc docstring fixes.
* Fix for when [ the selection string (i.e. spin_id) is unicode (bug #14872)].
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