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Relax 3.3.6

22 bytes added, 08:28, 5 February 2015
HTML formatting for the Diso parameter.
* Creation of oblate spheroid diffusion relaxation data. This will be used in the [ Structure.test_create_diff_tensor_pdb_oblate system test].
* Fix for the oblate spheroid diffusion relaxation data. The diffusion parameters are constrained as D<sub>x</sub> &le; D<sub>y</sub> &le; D<sub>z</sub>.
* More fixes for the [ Structure.test_create_diff_tensor_pdb_oblate system test]. The initial Diso D<sub>iso</sub> value is now set to the real final DisoD<sub>iso</sub>, and the PDB file contents have been updated for the fixed oblate spheroidal diffusion relaxation data.
* Updates for many of the [ Diffusion_tensor system tests]. This is due to the changed directory names in test_suite/shared_data/diffusion_tensor/. The ds.diff_dir variable has been introduced to point to the correct data directory.
* Large improvement for the [ GUI test tearDown() clean up method], fixing the tests on wxPython 2.8. The user function window destruction has been shifted into a new [ clean_up_windows() method] which is executed via wx.CallAfter() to avoid racing conditions. In addition, the spin viewer window is destroyed between tests. The spin viewer window change allows the GUI tests to pass on wxPython 2.8 again. This also allows the GUI tests to progress much further on Mac OS X systems before they crash again for some other reason. This could simply be hiding a problem in the spin viewer window. However it is likely to be a racing problem only triggered by the super fast speed of the GUI tests and a normal user would never be able to operate the GUI on the millisecond timescale and hence may never see it.
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