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Dx map

9,109 bytes added, 19:44, 16 October 2020
Switch to the {{gna bug url}} and {{gna bug url}} templates to remove dead Gna! links.
== Sample data to try dx ==
<source lang="bash">
cd $HOME/Desktop
mkdir test_dx
cd test_dx
# See sample scripts
ls -la $HOME/software/relax/sample_scripts/model_free
cp $HOME/software/relax/sample_scripts/model_free/ .
# Get data
ls -la $HOME/software/relax/test_suite/shared_data/model_free/sphere
cp $HOME/software/relax/test_suite/shared_data/model_free/sphere/*.out .
cp $HOME/software/relax/test_suite/shared_data/model_free/sphere/*.pdb .
# Modify map script
sed -i.bak "s/res_num_col=1)/mol_name_col=1, res_num_col=2, res_name_col=3, spin_num_col=4, spin_name_col=5)/g"
sed -i.bak "s/600/900/g"
sed -i.bak "s/spin\.name/#spin\.name/g"
sed -i.bak "s/res_num_col=1, data_col=3, error_col=4)/mol_name_col=1, res_num_col=2, res_name_col=3, spin_num_col=4, spin_name_col=5, data_col=6, error_col=7)/g"
sed -i.bak "s/sequence\.attach_protons/#sequence\.attach_protons/g"
sed -i.bak "spin/a spin"
# Add these two lines to
spin.element(element='H', spin_id='@H')
spin.isotope('1H', spin_id='@H')
# Run
== Code to generate map ==
<source lang="Python">
for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
file_name = "map%s" % (cur_spin_id .replace('#', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('@', '_'))['dw', 'pA', 'kex'], map_type='Iso3D', spin_id=":1@N", inc=70, lower=None, upper=None, axis_incs=5, file_prefix=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, point=None, point_file='point', remap=None)
#vp_exec: A flag specifying whether to execute the visual program automatically at start-up.
dx.execute(file_prefix=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, dx_exe='dx', vp_exec=True)
== How to use dx ==
* Run '<code>dx'</code>,In teh and then in the '''Data explorer''' or '''DE'''.* Click on '''<code>Edit Visual Programs...'''</code>.* Select the <code> </code> program created by relax,
Now in the '''<code>Visual Program Editor''' </code> or '''<code>VPE'''</code>.* Select the menu entry '<code>Execute->Execute on change'</code>.
That's it.
You now have a 3D frame, but nothing in it. <br>Therefore the contour levels must be too low or high. <br>From the map file, the values are in the hundreds of thousands.
* In the main program window, double click on the '<code>Isosurface elements'</code>.* Change the values until you see surfaces. In the first the value is 500. I changed this to 500,000. Multiply all by 1000.* In the second, 100 -> 100,000100000.* In the third, 20 -> 20,00020000.* In the last, 7 -> 7,0007000.
This should maybe be performed by the user function, determining reasonable contour levels.
With a bit of zooming, clicking on '<code>File -> Save image' </code> in the "<code>Surface" </code> window, "<code>allowing rendering"</code>, and outputting to a large TIFF file, "<code>save current"</code>, then "<code>apply"</code>.
An example image cropped and converted to PNG in the GIMP at <br>
Note that for a good resolution plot, you will need many more increments. <br> Using the lower and upper arguments will be useful to zoom into the space. == Example images ==These images is from {{gna bug link|22024|text=bug 22024. Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.}} {|style="margin: 0 auto;"| [[File:Bug 22024 R2eff.png|thumb|center|upright=2|{{gna bug url|22024}} Bug 22024: Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.]]| [[File:Bug 22024 Dw kex.png|thumb|upright=2|{{gna bug url|22024}} Bug 22024: Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.]]|} {|style="margin: 0 auto;"| [[File:Bug 22024 Dw kex pA.png|thumb|upright=2|{{gna bug url|22024}} Bug 22024: Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.]]| [[File:Bug 22024 Dw pA.png|thumb|upright=2|{{gna bug url|22024}} Bug 22024: Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.]]| [[File:Bug 22024 Kex pA.png|thumb|upright=2|{{gna bug url|22024}} Bug 22024: Minimisation space for CR72 is catastrophic. The chi2 surface over dw and pA is bounded.]]|}
== Code to generate map ==
 Here is the synthetic data generator code: {{collapsible script '''cpmg_synthetic| type = relax script| title = Script for calculating synthetics CPMG'''<source | lang ="Python"python| script =################################################################################ ## Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Troels E. Linnet ## ## This file is part of the program relax ( ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see <>. ## ################################################################################
# Script for calculating synthetics CPMG data.
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from math import sqrt
import sys
# relax module imports.
# Analysis variables.
# The dispersion model to test.
if not hasattr(ds, 'data'):
ncycs_1 = [28, 4, 32, 60, 2, 10, 16, 8, 20, 50, 18, 40, 6, 12, 24]
# Here you define the direct R2eff errors (rad/s), as being added or subtracted for the created R2eff point in the corresponding ncyc cpmg frequence.
#r2eff_errs_1 = [0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05] #r2eff_errs_1 = [0.0] * len(ncycs_1)
exp_1 = [sfrq_1, time_T2_1, ncycs_1, r2eff_errs_1]
# Collect all exps
#exps = [exp_1, exp_2] #exps = [exp_1]
# Add more spins here.
spins = [
['Ala', 1, 'N', {'r2': {r20_key_1: 2025.0, r20_key_2: 2024.0}, 'r2a': {r20_key_1: 2025.0, r20_key_2: 2024.0}, 'r2b': {r20_key_1: 2025.0, r20_key_2: 2024.0}, 'kex': 2200.0, 'pA': 0.993, 'dw': 10.5} ] #['Ala', 2, 'N', {'r2': {r20_key_1: 1315.0, r20_key_2: 14.50}, 'r2a': {r20_key_1: 1315.0, r20_key_2: 14.50}, 'r2b': {r20_key_1: 1315.0, r20_key_2: 14.50}, 'kex': 2200.0, 'pA': 0.993, 'dw': 1.5} ]
# Collect the eksperiment to simulate. = [model_create, model_analyse, spins, exps]
# Setup variables to be used
# The tmp directory.
if not hasattr(ds, 'tmpdir'):
ds.resdir = None
# Do set_grid_r20_from_min_r2eff ?.
if not hasattr(ds, 'set_grid_r20_from_min_r2eff'):
ds.set_grid_r20_from_min_r2eff = True
# The plot_curves.
if not hasattr(ds, 'plot_curves'):
ds.plot_curves = TrueFalse
# The conversion for ShereKhan at
if not hasattr(ds, 'sherekhan_input'):
ds.sherekhan_input = False
# The set r2eff err, for defining the error on the graphs and in the fitting weight.
# We set the error to be the same for all ncyc eksperiments.
if not hasattr(ds, 'r2eff_err'):
ds.r2eff_err = 0.1
# The print result info.
if not hasattr(ds, 'print_res'):
ds.print_res = True
# Make a dx map to be opened om OpenDX.
# To map the hypersurface of chi2, when altering kex, dw and pA.
if not hasattr(ds, 'opendx'):
#ds.opendx = False
ds.opendx = True
# Which parameters to map on chi2 surface.
if not hasattr(ds, 'dx_params'):
ds.dx_params = ['dw', 'pA', 'kex']
# How many increements to map for each of the parameters.
# Above 20 is good. 70 - 100 is a quite good resolution.
# 4 is for speed tests.
if not hasattr(ds, 'dx_inc'):
#ds.dx_inc = 70 ds.dx_inc = 4 # If bounds set to None, uses the normal Grid search bounds.if not hasattr(ds, 'dx_lower_bounds'): ds.dx_lower_bounds = None #ds.dx_lower_bounds = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ] # If bounds set to None, uses the normal Grid search bounds.if not hasattr(ds, 'dx_upper_bounds'): #ds.dx_upper_bounds = None ds.dx_upper_bounds = [10.0, 1.0, 3000.0] # If dx_chi_surface is None, it will find Innermost, Inner, Middle and Outer Isosurface# at 10, 20, 50 and 90 percentile of all chi2 values.if not hasattr(ds, 'dx_chi_surface'): ds.dx_chi_surface = None #ds.dx_chi_surface = [1000.0, 20000.0, 30000., 30000.00] ################################################################################## # Define repeating functions.################################################################################### Define function to store grid results.def save_res(res_spins): res_list = [] for res_name, res_num, spin_name, params in res_spins: cur_spin_id = ":%i@%s"%(res_num, spin_name) cur_spin = return_spin(cur_spin_id)
# Save all the paramers to loop throgh later. ds.model_analyse_params = cur_spin.params  par_dic = {} # Now read the parameters. for mo_param in cur_spin.params: par_dic.update({mo_param : getattr(cur_spin, mo_param) })  # Append result. res_list.append([res_name, res_num, spin_name, par_dic])  return res_list # Define function print relative changedef print_res(cur_spins=None, grid_params=None, min_params=None, clust_params=None, dx_params=[]): # Define list to hold data. dx_set_val = list(range(len(dx_params))) dx_clust_val = list(range(len(dx_params)))  # Compare results. if ds.print_res: print("\n########################") print("Generated data with MODEL:%s"%(model_create)) print("Analysing with MODEL:%s."%(model_analyse)) print("########################\n")  for i in range(len(cur_spins)): res_name, res_num, spin_name, params = cur_spins[i] cur_spin_id = ":%i@%s"%(res_num, spin_name) cur_spin = return_spin(cur_spin_id)  # Now read the parameters. if ds.print_res: print("For spin: '%s'"%cur_spin_id) for mo_param in cur_spin.params: # The set r2eff errR2 is a dictionary, depending on spectrometer frequency. if not hasattrisinstance(dsgetattr(cur_spin, mo_param), dict): grid_r2 = grid_params[mo_param] min_r2 = min_params[mo_param] clust_r2 = clust_params[mo_param] set_r2 = params[mo_param] for key, val in min_r2.items(): grid_r2_frq = grid_r2[key] min_r2_frq = min_r2[key] clust_r2_frq = min_r2[key] set_r2_frq = set_r2[key] frq = float(key.split(EXP_TYPE_CPMG_SQ+' - ')[-1].split('r2eff_errMHz')[0]) rel_change = sqrt( (clust_r2_frq - set_r2_frq)**2/(clust_r2_frq)**2 ) if ds.print_res: print("%s %s %s %s %.1f GRID=%.3f MIN=%.3f CLUST=%.3f SET=%.3f RELC=%.3f"%(cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, frq, grid_r2_frq, min_r2_frq, clust_r2_frq, set_r2_frq, rel_change) ) if rel_change > ds.rel_change: if ds.print_res: print("###################################") print("WARNING: %s Have relative change above %.2f, and is %.4f."%(key, ds.rel_change, rel_change)) print("###################################\n") else: grid_val = grid_params[mo_param] min_val = min_params[mo_param] clust_val = clust_params[mo_param] set_val = params[mo_param] rel_change = sqrt( (clust_val - set_val)**2/(clust_val)**2 ) if ds.r2eff_err print_res: print("%s %s %s %s GRID= 0%.3f MIN=%.3f CLUST=%.3f SET=%.3f RELC=%.3f"%(cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, grid_val, min_val, clust_val, set_val, rel_change) ) if rel_change > ds.rel_change: if ds.print_res: print("###################################") print("WARNING: %s Have relative change above %.2f, and is %.4f."%(mo_param, ds.1rel_change, rel_change)) print("###################################\n")
# The number of Monte Carlo simulations Store to be used for the error analysesdx map. if not hasattrmo_param in dx_params: dx_set_val[ds.dx_params.index(ds, 'MC_NUM'mo_param):] = set_val dx_clust_val[ds.MC_NUM dx_params.index(mo_param)] = 3clust_val
# The print result info.if not hasattr(ds return dx_set_val, 'print_res'): ds.print_res = Truedx_clust_val
# Now starting
# Set up the data pipe.
# Extract the models
# Create the data pipe.
ds.pipe_name = 'base pipe'ds.pipe_type = 'relax_disp'ds.pipe_bundle = 'relax_disp'ds.pipe_name_r2eff = "%s_%s_R2eff"%(model_create, ds.pipe_name)pipe.create(pipe_name=ds.pipe_name, pipe_type=ds.pipe_type, bundle = ds.pipe_bundle)
# Generate the sequence.
exps =[3]
# Now loop over the experiments, to set the variables in relax.
exp_ids = []
for exp in exps:
nu_cpmg = ncyc / time_T2
cur_id = '%s_%.1f' % (exp_id, nu_cpmg)
print cur_id
## Now prepare to calculate the synthetic R2eff values.
pipe.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_r2eff, bundle_to = ds.pipe_bundle)pipe.switch(pipe_name=ds.pipe_name_r2eff)
# Then select the modelto create data.
# First loop over the defined spins and set the model parameters.for i in range(len(cur_spins)): res_name, res_num, spin_name, params in = cur_spins:[i]
cur_spin_id = ":%i@%s"%(res_num, spin_name)
cur_spin = return_spin(cur_spin_id)
#print cur_spin.model,, cur_spin.isotope
#if ds.print_res: print as # Now set the parameters.("For spin: '%s'"%cur_spin_id)
for mo_param in cur_spin.params:
# The R2 is a dictionary, depending on spectrometer frequency.
if isinstance(getattr(cur_spin, mo_param), dict):
set_r2 = params[mo_param]
for key, val in set_r2.items():
# Update value to float
set_r2.update({ key : float(val) })
print (cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, key, float(val)) # Set it back
setattr(cur_spin, mo_param, set_r2)
setattr(cur_spin, mo_param, float(params[mo_param]))
after = getattr(cur_spin, mo_param)
print (cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, before)
## Now doing the back calculation of R2eff values.
# First loop over the frequencies.
i = 0
for exp_type, frq, ei, mi in loop_exp_frq(return_indices=True):
exp_id = exp_ids[mi]
# Read in the R2eff file to create the structure. # This is a trick, or else relax complains.
relax_disp.r2eff_read_spin(id=exp_id, spin_id=cur_spin_id, file=file_name, dir=ds.tmpdir, disp_point_col=1, data_col=2, error_col=3)
###Now back calculatevalues from parameters, and stuff R2eff it back.
print("Generating data with MODEL:%s, for spin id:%s"%(model_create, cur_spin_id))
r2effs = optimisation.back_calc_r2eff(spin=cur_spin, spin_id=cur_spin_id)
relax_disp.r2eff_read_spin(id=exp_id, spin_id=cur_spin_id, file=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, disp_point_col=1, data_col=2, error_col=3)
# Add to counter. i += 1 print("Did following number of iterations: %i"%i) ## Now do fitting. 
# Change pipe.
ds.pipe_name_MODEL = "%s_%s"%(ds.pipe_name, model_analyse)pipe.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL, bundle_to = ds.pipe_bundle)pipe.switch(pipe_name=ds.pipe_name_MODEL)
# Copy R2eff, but not the original parameters
value.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name_r2eff, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL, param='r2eff')
# Then select model.
print("Analysing with MODEL:%s."%(model_analyse))
# Do a dx map.
# To map the hypersurface of chi2, when altering kex, dw and pA.
if ds.opendx:
for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
cur_spin_id = spin_id
file_name = "map%s" % (cur_spin_id .replace('#', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('@', '_'))['dw', 'pA', 'kex'], map_type='Iso3D', spin_id=":1@N", inc=ds.dx_inc, lower=None, upper=None, axis_incs=5, file_prefix=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, point=None, point_file='point', remap=None)
#vp_exec: A flag specifying whether to execute the visual program automatically at start-up.
dx.execute(file_prefix=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, dx_exe='dx', vp_exec=True)
# Remove insignificant
#grid_search(lower=None, upper=None, inc=10, constraints=True, verbosity=ds.verbosity)
 # Define function to store grid results.def save_res(res_spins): res_list = [] for res_name, res_num, spin_name, params in res_spins: cur_spin_id = ":%i@%s"%(res_num, spin_name) cur_spin = return_spin(cur_spin_id)  par_dic = {} # Now read the parameters. for mo_param in cur_spin.params: par_dic.update({mo_param : getattr(cur_spin, mo_param) })  # Append Save result. res_list.append([res_name, res_num, spin_name, par_dic])  return res_list 
ds.grid_results = save_res(cur_spins)
## Now do minimisation.
minimise(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=ds.set_func_tol, max_iter=ds.set_max_iter, constraints=True, scaling=True, verbosity=ds.verbosity)
if ds.do_cluster:
# Change pipe.
ds.pipe_name_MODEL_CLUSTER = "%s_%s_CLUSTER"%(ds.pipe_name, model_create) pipe.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_CLUSTER) pipe.switch(pipe_name=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_CLUSTER)
# Copy R2eff, but not the original parameters
value.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name_r2eff, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_CLUSTER, param='r2eff')
# Then select model.
# Copy the parameters from before.
relax_disp.parameter_copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name_MODEL, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_CLUSTER)
# Now minimise.
relax_disp.sherekhan_input(force=True, spin_id=None, dir=ds.resdir)
# Compare Looping over data, to collect the results.if # Define which dx_params to collect for.ds.dx_set_val, ds.dx_clust_val = print_res:(cur_spins=cur_spins, grid_params=ds.grid_results[i][3], min_params=ds.min_results[i][3], clust_params=ds.clust_results[i][3], dx_params=ds.dx_params)  print("\n##Do a dx map.#To map the hypersurface of chi2, when altering kex, dw and pA.if ds.opendx: #First switch pipe, since will go through parameters and end up a "bad" place. :-) ds.pipe_name_MODEL_MAP = "%s_%s_map"%(ds.pipe_name, model_analyse) pipe.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name , pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_MAP, bundle_to = ds.pipe_bundle) pipe.switch(pipe_name=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_MAP)  #Copy R2eff, but not the original parameters value.copy(pipe_from=ds.pipe_name_r2eff, pipe_to=ds.pipe_name_MODEL_MAP, param='r2eff')  #Then select model. relax_disp.select_model(model=model_analyse)  ##################")First loop over the defined spins and set the model parameters which is not in the dx.dx_params. printfor i in range(len(cur_spins)): res_name, res_num, spin_name, params = cur_spins[i] cur_spin_id = "Generated data with MODEL:%i@%s"%(model_createres_num, spin_name) cur_spin = return_spin(cur_spin_id) for mo_param in cur_spin.params: # The R2 is a dictionary, depending on spectrometer frequency. if isinstance(getattr(cur_spin, mo_param), dict): set_r2 = params[mo_param] if mo_param not in ds.dx_params: for key, val in set_r2.items(): # Update value to float set_r2.update({ key : float(val) }) print("Analysing with MODELSetting :%f"%(model_analysekey, float(val))) # Set it back setattr(cur_spin, mo_param, set_r2)  # For non dict values. else: if mo_param not in ds.dx_params: before = getattr(cur_spin, mo_param) setattr(cur_spin, mo_param, float(params[mo_param])) after = getattr(cur_spin, mo_param) print("########################\nSetting param:%s to :%f"%(mo_param, after))
for i in range cur_model = model_analyse.replace(len' ', '_') file_name_map = "%s_map%s" % (cur_spins)cur_model, cur_spin_id.replace('#', '_').replace(': res_name', res_num'_').replace('@', spin_name, params = cur_spins[i]'_')) cur_spin_id file_name_point = ":%i@s_point%s"%(res_numcur_model, spin_namecur_spin_id .replace('#', '_').replace(':', '_').replace('@', '_')) cur_spin, map_type= return_spin'Iso3D', spin_id=cur_spin_id, inc=ds.dx_inc, lower=ds.dx_lower_bounds, upper=ds.dx_upper_bounds, axis_incs=10, file_prefix=file_name_map, dir=ds.resdir, point=[ds.dx_set_val, ds.dx_clust_val], point_file=file_name_point, chi_surface=ds.dx_chi_surface) # vp_exec: A flag specifying whether to execute the visual program automatically at start-up. #dx.execute(cur_spin_idfile_prefix=file_name, dir=ds.resdir, dx_exe='dx', vp_exec=True)
grid_params = if ds.grid_results[i][3]print_res: min_params = print("For spin: '%s'"%cur_spin_id) print("Params for dx map is") print(ds.min_results[i][3]dx_params) clust_params = print("Point creating dx map is") print(ds.clust_results[i][3]dx_set_val) # Now read the parameters print("Minimises point in dx map is") print(ds.dx_clust_val)
# Print result again after dx map.if ds.print_res: print("For spinopendx: '%s'"%cur_spin_id) for mo_param in cur_spin.params: # The R2 is a dictionary, depending on spectrometer frequency. if isinstanceprint_res(getattr(cur_spincur_spins=cur_spins, mo_param), dict): grid_r2 = grid_params[mo_param] min_r2 = min_paramsds.grid_results[mo_parami] clust_r2 = clust_params[mo_param3] set_r2 = params[mo_param] for key, val in getattr(cur_spin, mo_param).items(): grid_r2_frq min_params= grid_r2[key] min_r2_frq = min_r2[key] clust_r2_frq = min_r2[key] set_r2_frq = set_r2[key] frq = float(keyds.split(EXP_TYPE_CPMG_SQ+' - ')min_results[-1i].split('MHz')[03]) rel_change = sqrt( (clust_r2_frq - set_r2_frq)**2/(clust_r2_frq)**2 ) if ds.print_res: print("%s %s %s %s %.1f GRID=%.3f MIN=%.3f CLUST=%.3f SET=%.3f RELC, clust_params=%.3f"%(cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, frq, grid_r2_frq, min_r2_frq, clust_r2_frq, set_r2_frq, rel_change) ) if rel_change > ds.rel_change: if ds.print_res: print("###################################") print("WARNING: %s Have relative change above %.2f, and is %.4f."%(key, ds.rel_change, rel_change)) print("###################################\n") else: grid_val = grid_paramsclust_results[mo_parami] min_val = min_params[mo_param] clust_val = clust_params[mo_param] set_val = params[mo_param3] rel_change = sqrt( (clust_val - set_val)**2/(clust_val)**2 ) if ds.print_res: print("%s %s %s %s GRID=%.3f MIN=%.3f CLUST=%.3f SET=%.3f RELC=%.3f"%(cur_spin.model, res_name, cur_spin_id, mo_param, grid_val, min_val, clust_val, set_val, rel_change) ) if rel_change > ds.rel_change: if ds.print_res: print("###################################") print("WARNING: %s Have relative change above %.2f, and is %.4f."%(mo_param, ds.rel_change, rel_change)) print("###################################\n")</source>}}
= See also =
[[Install dx]]
Trusted, Bureaucrats
