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yCAR_ppm = 118.078
yCAR_ppm = 118.078
= Google Cloud Computing =
This follows the same idea as from [[Run_relax_at_cloud.sagemath.com|Run relax at cloud.sagemath.com]]
== pricing ==
For this example of '''Google Cloud Computing''', we wan't to have access to as many computer cores as possible
* The pricing explained here: https://cloud.google.com/pricing/
* A pricing calculator is here: https://cloud.google.com/products/calculator/
For calculation of:
* '''1''' server
* using '''Free: Debian, CentOS, ...'''
* with a '''regular''' VM Class
* Instance type of (HIGH CPU) '''n1-highcpu-32    (vCPUs: 32, RAM: 28.80 GB)'''
* 0 '''SSD'''
* Datacenter location '''Europe'''
* Average days per month each server is running: '''1''' days, per month.
The '''monthly''' price was of November 2015, '''$32.26'''.
At November 2015, google give free trial of '''300$'''. https://cloud.google.com/free-trial/
Note, there are some limitations: https://cloud.google.com/free-trial/#/faq
== Start free trial ==
Please first see this video:
* https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/linux-quickstart or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnEhYaUY4sA
Go to: https://cloud.google.com/free-trial/ and click '''Start your free trial'''.
You need to sign up with a credit card. To prevent mis-abuse from robots and hackers.
'''Then go to: https://console.developers.google.com'''
* You should already have a project called '''My First Project'''.
* '''Create a new project''' in top right corner of the browser under the dropdown of '''My First Project'''.
* Call the new project '''relax''' with '''App Engine location''' at '''europe-west'''
* Click then at '''Try Compute Engine''' or go to https://console.developers.google.com/compute
== Create a Virtual Machine instance ==
* Click '''Create instance'''
* '''Name:''' relax
* '''Zone:''' Don't change this. As of Nov 2015, it seems that if you change this, you cannot select more than 2 vCPU's
* '''Machine type:''' From the very bottom, create '''8 vCPUs'''. 32 cores need an upgrade to you account, and the free trial only allows for 8 vCPU's.
* '''Boot disk:''' 10 GB of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
* '''Zone:''' Now change this to: europe-west1-c
* Let the rest be default and click '''Create'''.

Latest revision as of 15:59, 28 November 2015

Troels Emtekær Linnet PhD student Copenhagen University SBiNLab


80px 80px

<include src="https://raw.github.com/Pymol-Scripts/Pymol-script-repo/master/cyspka.py" />


<include src="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1945" />

Test DPL imagecontainer=Screenshots

[[%PAGE%|thumb|185px|A random relax screenshot. See Screenshots.]]


ls -v -d -1 */*.ft2 > allplanes.list
cd analysis_FT/int_corr_ft_method_all_awk/coMDD
seriesTab -in peaks.dat
seriesTab -in ../../peaks.dat -out allplanes_coMDD_ser.ser -list allplanes_coMDD.list

Test randomimagebycategor


from math import pi
from lib import nmr
from lib.physical_constants import return_gyromagnetic_ratio

id = 'test'
H_frq = 900.0e6
B0_tesla =  H_frq / return_gyromagnetic_ratio(nucleus='1H') * 2.0 * pi
print "B0 in Tesla:", B0_tesla
isotope = '15N'

yOBS_N15_rad_s = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(nucleus=isotope) * B0_tesla
yOBS_N15_ppm = nmr.frequency_to_ppm_from_rad(frq=yOBS_N15_rad_s, B0=H_frq, isotope=isotope)

print yOBS_N15_ppm

# Convert hz
offset_hz = 2100.
offset_ppm = nmr.frequency_to_ppm(frq=offset_hz, B0=H_frq, isotope=isotope)
print offset_ppm

#yOBS_rad_s = return_gyromagnetic_ratio(nucleus=isotope) * B0_tesla
#print yOBS_rad_s
#yOBS_ppm = nmr.frequency_to_ppm_from_rad(frq=yOBS_rad_s, B0=H_frq, isotope=isotope)
#print yOBS_ppm

# Center carriage In ppm
yCAR_ppm = 118.078