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Installation mac mavericks os x

1,001 bytes added, 17:39, 7 December 2013
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
== Download a python distribution which include wxPython ==
At the time for this post, (Dec 2013), the installation of wxPython2.9-osx-cocoa-py2.7 made hickups and crashes.<br>
This is reported [ here] and [ here.]
The problem is based on the wxPython version and 32/64 bit issues. <br>
It is therefore strongly recommended to install the 32 bit python package distribution.
If one installs the "epd" enthought python distribution, this will include a working wxPython. <br>
Specifically download and install:
Special note about 64-bit Mac OSX
The macosx-x86_64 installer does not include wxPython, which a lot of ETS relies on. Even though ETS supports the use of PySide as a backend, things are much less stable under Qt. Therefore, if you want to use ETS, we recommned using the 32-bit EPD on Mac OSX.

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