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Git svn

200 bytes added, 13:35, 22 July 2013
no edit summary
git remote show origin
Now go to at click '''Repositories -relax/trunk and click > New'''.<br>Call it '''relax_trunk'''. We want to preserve history , so do not '''ForkInitialize this repository with a README'''or anything like, README or .gitignore.<br> 
Now add this as a private remote, by setting the remote name '''hub'''.
git remote add hub Then send svn branch master of to github git push -u hub master
=== For branch relax_disp ===
git remote show origin
Now go to at click '''Repositories -relax/> New'''.<br>Call it '''relax_disp and click '''Fork. We want to preserve history , so do not '''Initialize this repository with a README'''or anything like, README or .gitignore.<br> 
Now add this as a private remote, by setting the remote name '''hub'''.
git remote add hub
== git operations ==
Now create a repository at your private github account. Do not check anything in like, README or .gitignore. We want to preserve history!
Then send svn branch master of to github
git push -u hub master
We == git operations ==You may need to make a setting [ how we push branches.]
git config push.default simple
First get the latest changes from remote
git pull hub master
git log
= See also =

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