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Relax 3.3.0

No change in size, 14:04, 21 September 2014
* Created a master profiling script for comparing the speed between different dispersion models. This is similar to the script except it only operates on a single relax version. The output is then simply the timings, with statistics, of the calculation time for 100 function calls for 100 spins (either 10,000 function calls for single spins or 100 function calls for the cluster of 100 spins). The output of the script for the current disp_spin_speed branch code has also been added.
* Critical fix for the recalculation of tau cpmg, when plotting for numerical models. The interpolated dispersion points with tau_cpmg was calculated with frq, instead of cpmg_frq. [ Task #7807: Speed-up of dispersion models for clustered analysis].
* The new dispersion model profiling master script now includes links to the relax wiki. The models are no longer presented by name but rather by the relax wiki links for each model (see [[:Category:Relaxation_dispersion_analysisRelaxation dispersion analysis]] for all these links). This is to improve the Google rank of the relax wiki, as these links may appear in a number of locations.
* Removal of many unused imports in the disp_spin_speed branch. These were detected using the devel_scripts/ script which uses pylint to find all unused imports. The false positives also present in the trunk were ignored.
* Code validation of lib/dispersion/ [ Task #7807: Speed-up of dispersion models for clustered analysis].
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