
From relax wiki
Revision as of 15:59, 3 November 2015 by Bugman (talk | contribs) (Improvements for the Morin14 citation.)
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The following is an alphabetical list of all citations used on the relax wiki:

  • Morin, S., Linnet, T. E., Lescanne, M., Schanda, P., Thompson, G. S., Tollinger, M., Teilum, K., Gagné, S., Marion, D., Griesinger, C., Blackledge, M., and d'Auvergne, E. J. (2014). relax: the analysis of biomolecular kinetics and thermodynamics using NMR relaxation dispersion data. Bioinformatics, 30 (15), 2219-2220. (DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu166)