Relax source design
Revision as of 07:48, 26 September 2014 by Bugman (talk | contribs) (→Implementation: Changed the code example for the check_*() functions.)
The following is a set of notes which will be used to design the layout of functions, modules, and packages in relax.
Package: data_store
Package: lib
Package: pipe_control
Package: specific_analyses
The package layout for each analysis is as follows. These are all modules:
- api - the specific analysis API. This module provides a class that inherits from specific_analyses.api_base.API_base (and optionally specific_analysis.api_common.API_common). This class is initialised as a singleton object and returned by the specific_analyses.api.return_api() function.
- checks - all functions for performing analysis specific checks.
- data - a module of all functions for handling the base data for the analysis.
- model - a module of all functions for handling the models of the analysis.
- optimisation - all functions related to optimisation which are not part of the specific analysis API.
- parameter_object - the parameter list singleton object for the specific analysis. This provides a class that inherits from specific_analysis.parameter_object.Param_list. This class is initialised and returned by the specific_analyses.api.return_parameter_list() function.
- parameters - all functions relating to the model parameters.
- uf - the user function backends. Any analysis specific user functions in user_functions should call functions in this module.
- variables - a module containing all fixed variables for the analysis.
Other modules may be present.
The check_*() functions
These functions are for performing checks for certain data being present. They can return True or False, throw RelaxWarnings, or raise RelaxErrors.
These functions are found in the pipe_control and specific_analyses packages:
- pipe_control: The check_*() functions are located in the individual modules of this package.
- specific_analyses: For these packages, a special 'checks' module should be created for these functions.
The check_*() functions should have the 'escalate' keyword argument which can have the following values:
- 0 - This will simply cause the function to return True or False.
- 1 - In addition to returning True or False, the function will throw a RelaxWarning for better user feedback.
- 2 - This will cause a RelaxError to be raised if the data is missing, not set up, etc. Otherwise the function returns True.
Here is a prototype function:
# Python module imports.
from warnings import warn
# relax module imports.
from lib.errors import RelaxError
from lib.warnings import RelaxWarning
def check_xxx(escalate=0):
"""Check if xxx.
@keyword escalate: The feedback to give if the check fails. This can be 0 for no printouts, 1 to throw a RelaxWarning, or 2 to raise a RelaxError.
@type escalate: int
@raises RelaxError: If escalate is set to 2 and the check fails.
@return: True if the check passes, False otherwise.
@rtype: bool
# Init.
check_ok = True
msg = ''
# Check that...
if not something():
check_ok = False
msg = "Something is missing."
# Warnings and errors.
if not check_ok and escalate == 1:
elif not check_ok and escalate == 2:
raise RelaxError(msg)
# Return the status.
return check_ok