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Build manual

Latex requirements

The latex2html latex package is necessary. You can check if is already available.

kpsewhich latex2html

A windows MiKTeX should fetch it automatically.

For linux

cd $HOME/Downloads ;
wget ;
tar -xzf latex2html-2008.tar.gz ;
rm latex2html-2008.tar.gz ;
cd latex2html-2008 ;
mkdir build ;
./configure --help
./configure --prefix=$PWD/build

Build pdf manual

The manual ends up in docs/relax.pdf

Go to the relax base directory.
Then issue the command

scons user_manual_pdf

This triggers a range of functions, which create some files. If they do not need to be updated, following compilation can be performed much faster with

scons user_manual_pdf_nofetch

Build html manual

This needs quite some time to figure out to install and run latex2html.

Go to the relax base directory.
Then issue the command

scons user_manual_html

And faster

scons user_manual_html_nofetch

Build API (Application programming interface) documentation

The html documentation ends up in docs/api/

Epydoc python package installation

Windows epydoc

First: Download this packages, do not unpack them yet.

take the win32 bit versions.

Open WinPython Control Panel, and drag the .exe into the window.

Install graphviz Windows binaries from


sudo yum install epydoc
sudo yum install graphviz-python

Build API

You need to run 'scons clean' first to remove the *.pyc files and any other temporary files.

scons clean

Build the API documentation

scons api_manual_html

Regarding error messages

The "No documentation available!" errors are normal as these are for non-python files which are not part of relax. It's safe to ignore these.

The wxPython indentation errors are also fine. epydoc is scanning the wx module docstrings, but it cannot be stopped.

The "Unable to render Graphviz dot graph" are because the Graphviz software is not available.
Windows binaries are available though (

See also