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cdp - The current data protocol

cdp is a python class object.

Knowing this, we can access information from the class.

return the list of attributes

print type(cdp)
<class 'data_store.pipe_container.PipeContainer'>

['__class__', '__clone__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_back_compat_hook','_back_compat_hook_ri_data', 
'cpmg_frqs', 'cpmg_frqs_list', 'dispersion_points', 'exp_type', 'from_xml', 'hybrid_pipes', 'int_method', 
'interatomic', 'is_empty', 'model_type', 'mol', 'num_time_pts', 'pipe_type', 'relax_time_list', 'relax_times', 
'replicates', 'result_files', 'sigma_I', 'sim_number', 'sim_state', 'spectrometer_frq', 'spectrometer_frq_count', 
'spectrometer_frq_list', 'spectrum_ids', 'spin_lock_nu1_list', 'to_xml', 'var_I', 'xml_create_hybrid_element']

Get list of CPMG frequencies

[None, 40.0, 80.0, 120.0, 160.0, 200.0, 280.0, 360.0, 440.0, 520.0, 600.0, 680.0, 760.0, 840.0, 920.0]

Get list of CPMG frequencies and intensity names

{'6_6': 120.0, '3_30': 600.0, '16_14': 280.0, '15_14': 280.0, '13_38': 760.0, '1_0': None, '0_2': 40.0, 
'7_2': 40.0, '2_8': 160.0, '12_26': 520.0, '5_42': 840.0, '22_46': 920.0, '4_4': 80.0, '19_46': 920.0, 
'14_2': 40.0, '9_46': 920.0, '17_30': 600.0, '10_10': 200.0, '18_22': 440.0, '20_14': 280.0, '21_34': 680.0, 
'11_18': 360.0, '8_30': 600.0}

print type(cdp.cpmg_frqs)
<type 'dict'>

for key, value in cdp.cpmg_frqs.iteritems(): print key, value
6_6 120.0
3_30 600.0
16_14 280.0
15_14 280.0
13_38 760.0
1_0 None

list model type

print cdp.model_type, type(cdp.model_type)
disp <type 'str'>

list spectrum ID's

print cdp.spectrum_ids, len(cdp.spectrum_ids)
['0_2', '1_0', '2_8', '3_30', '4_4', '5_42', '6_6', '7_2', '8_30', '9_46', '10_10', '11_18', '12_26', '13_38', '14_2', '15_14', '16_14', '17_30', '18_22', '19_46', '20_14', '21_34', '22_46'] 23

See also