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Subversion needs an online repository, to store each commits. Subsequent calls to svn diff > patch will generate the difference according to the last revision. Therefore the development at the moment, require to

  1. make some lines of code
  2. make a path file and a commit message
  3. use the support tracker to upload patch and commit message
  4. wait for acceptance
  5. wait for commit to official repository
  6. then do an svn update
  7. then return to point 1

This takes time, and require that repository maintainer is online.
If the above scheme is not followed, the patch files will come out of sync.

This can be solved by using git.

Initialization of git

Navigate to the root folder of the branch of relax, you want to develop. Initialize with:

git init

Setup commit information

If you havent set the repository variables for author information and commit message, this is good time. See Git_installation.



As an example, we can take the development of the NMRPipe SeriesTab reader: sr #3043: Support for NMRPipe seriesTab format *.ser

git add lib/software/
git commit

commit message

Added nmrpipe into git
# To see the commit message
git log 
# Or see last changes by
git log -p

Modification 1

Then we modify, and add following

# Python module imports.
from re import split

# relax module imports.
from lib.errors import RelaxError

Then we make a patch

git diff > nmrpipe1

We add the change to be recorded

git add lib/software/

Then we commit

git commit

commit message. See Format_commit_logs.

Imported expected used modules in

Progress sr #3043: ( Support for NMRPipe seriesTab format *.ser

Expected modules for use in lib\software\ is imported.

To see the commit message

git log 

If you would like to replace the last commit info

git commit --amend 

Or see last changes by

git log -p

Modification 2

Then we modify, and add following

def read_list_intensity_seriestab(file_data=None, int_col=None):
    """Return the peak intensity information from the NMRPipe SeriesTab peak intensity file.

    The residue number, heteronucleus and proton names, and peak intensity will be returned.

    @keyword file_data: The data extracted from the file converted into a list of lists.
    @type file_data:    list of lists of str
    @keyword int_col:   The column containing the peak intensity data (for a non-standard formatted file).
    @type int_col:      int
    @raises RelaxError: When the expected peak intensity is not a float.
    @return:            The extracted data as a list of lists.  The first dimension corresponds to the spin.  The second dimension consists of the proton name, heteronucleus name, residue number, the intensity value, and the original line of text.
    @rtype:             list of lists of str, str, int, float, str

Then we make a patch

git diff > nmrpipe2

We add the change to be recorded

git add lib/software/

Then we commit

git commit

commit message. See Format_commit_logs.

Added doc string in

Progress sr #3043: ( Support for NMRPipe seriesTab format *.ser

Doc string and variables for read_list_intensity_seriestab() function in is provided.

To see the commit message

git log 

If you would like to replace the last commit info

git commit --amend 

Or see last changes by

git log -p

Getting and overview

See also