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The minfx project is a Python package for numerical optimisation, being a large collection of standard minimisation algorithms. The name minfx is simply a shortening of the mathematical expression min f(x).


Guides to install on different systems.

Linux and Mac

Remember to check, if there are newer versions of minfx.
The minfx library can be installed on all UNIX systems by typing:

# Change to bash, if in tcsh shell


cd $HOME/Downloads
curl$v.tar.gz -o minfx-$v.tar.gz
tar -xzf minfx-$v.tar.gz
cd minfx-$v

# Then either
sudo pip install -e .
# Or
pip install .

cd ..

From source code

cd path_to/relax

svn co svn:// minfx_down
ln -s minfx_down/minfx/ minfx 

# Test
relax -i


See also