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Relax 3.2.3

430 bytes added, 13:49, 9 September 2014
User function manual links.
* Improvements for a number of GUI elements used in the user function windows.
* The ^[[?1034h escape code should now no longer be emitted by GNU readline on Linux systems.
* Created the very basic [ user function ] for calculating the centre of mass. This is to simply allow an easy interface to the pipe_control.structure.mass.pipe_centre_of_mass() function.* Expansion of the REMARK section of the PDB file created for the internal structural object. This is visible when using the [ structure.write_pdb user function], as well as the many other user functions which create PDB files. The relax version as well as the file creation date are now recorded in the PDB file. This extra information should be very useful. Empty lines in the REMARK section improve the formatting.
== Changes ==
* Added proper sectioning to the release checklist document.
* Added the upload script to the release checklist document.
* Modified the Sequence GUI input element used for the user function list arguments. The first column is now of fixed with when titles are supplied. Previously when supplying titles, the width would be tiny and no text would be visible.
* Added titles for all 3D coordinate user function arguments. This is for the Sequence GUI input element, and affects the [ frame_order_average_position.html frame_order.average_position], [ n_state_model.CoM ] and [ paramag.centre ] user functions.
* The compilation of the C modules now respects the user defined environment. This is the patch from Justin ( attached to [ bug #22145]. It has been modified to include a comment and remove a double empty line.
* Bug fix for the compilation of the C modules now respects the user defined environment. The problem was that on Mac OS X (as well as other systems), that these environmental variables were not defined and hence the scons commands would all fail with a KeyError and traceback. Now the keys in the os.environ dictionary are being searched for before they are set.
* Fixes for the Relax_disp.test_hansen_cpmg_data_missing_auto_analysis system test. The p<sub>A</sub> parameter is no longer tested for one spin as it moves to random values on different operating systems and 32 vs. 64-bit systems. This is because this spin experiences no exchange, both &Delta;&omega; and k<sub>ex</sub> are zero.
* Decreased the value checking precision in the Relax_disp.test_hansen_cpmg_data_to_lm63 system test. This is to allow the test to pass on certain operating systems and 32-bit systems.
* Modified the precision of the output from the [ relax_disp.sherekhan_input ] user function. This is simply to allow the Relax_disp.test_sod1wt_t25_to_sherekhan_input system test to pass on certain 32-bit systems, as the float output to 15 decimal places is not always the same. This system test has been updated for the change.
* Modified the Relax_disp.test_sprangers_data_to_mmq_cr72 system test to pass on certain systems. This test fails on 32-bit Linux (and probably other systems as well). To fix the test, the k<sub>ex</sub> values are all divided by 100 before checking them to 4 decimal places of accuracy.
* Improved how the relax installation path is determined in the status object. If the path cannot be found, the current working directory is then checked if it is where relax is installed. This is needed when importing modules outside of relax.
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