* Added additional test for the r2a parameter. [https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?23186 Bug #23186: Error calculation of individual parameter "dw" from Monte-Carlo, is based on first spin].
* Attempt to implement the GUI test General.test_bug_23187_residue_delete_gui. This will NOT catch the error. [https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?23187 Bug #23187: Deleting residue in GUI, and then open spin viewer crashes relax].
* Added test for spin independent error of k_AB. [https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?23186 Bug #23186: Error calculation of individual parameter "dw" from Monte-Carlo, is based on first spin].
* Fix for the showing of the spin viewer window in the GUI tests. The show_tree() method of the main GUI window class was not calling the custom self.spin_viewer.Show() method, as required to set up the observer objects required to keep the spin viewer window updated. The value of status.show_gui was blocking this. Instead the show argument of this Show() method is being set to status.show_gui to allow the method to always be executed.
* Updated the main relax copyright notices for 2015.
<section begin=bugfixes/>
* Bug fix for the lib.arg_check.is_int_list() function for checking a list of lists. This is used to check user function arguments, but was causing a RelaxError to be raised for all integer list of lists user function arguments when a valid value is supplied. The function has been updated to match the is_str_list() function which does not suffer from this bug.
* Fix in dispersion API, to set error value for clustered values. [https://gna.org/bugs/index.php?23186 Bug #23186: Error calculation of individual parameter "dw" from Monte-Carlo, is based on first spin].
* Fix for [https://gna.org/bugs/?23187 bug #23187, the problem whereby opening the spin viewer window, deleting a residue, and then reopening the spin viewer crashes relax]. This change completes the spin viewer update_*() functions. The prune_list variable was initialised but not used. Now it is used to store the keys of the items to delete, and then the items are deleted at the end in a new loop so that the loop over the dictionary keys is not corrupted.
* Fix for the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/rdc_corr_plot.html rdc.corr_plot user function]. The Y-axis is now set to the measured RDC, as the RDC errors are plotted as dY errors. This matches the behaviour of the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/pcs_corr_plot.html pcs.corr_plot user function].