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10:36, 17 December 2015 The NESSY relaxation dispersion software is supported in relax, in that relax can create NESSY input files. Note that NESSY is in maintenance mode - the project is currently dormant with no active developers.
== Details ==
=== Website ===
The original NESSY website is http://cumc.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochem//labs/palmer/software/modelfree.html.
=== Overview ===
From the NESSY website (with light editing):
{{quote|text=NESSY is an open source software to analyse NMR relaxation dispersion data of either CPMG or {{:R1rho}} dispersion experiments. The graphical interface enables simple management of large experimental data sets and simple and automated analysis. NESSY automatically calculates effective transverse relaxation rate ({{:R2eff}}) and performs model selection between different relaxation dispersion models.
* Calculation of effective transverse relaxation rate ({{:R2eff}})
* Models for 1 - 9 exchanging states
* Analysis of multiple data set (global fit)
* Analysis of CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments
* Analysis of {{:R1rho}} spin lock relaxation dispersion experiments
* Model-selection between different models
* Akaike information criteria (AIC) model selection
* F-test for model selection
* Grid search for estimation of parameters
* Chi2 curvefit and model selection
* Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (least squares curve fitting)
* Monte Carlo simulations for estimation of uncertainities of extracted parameters
* Extraction of exchange rate ({{:Rex}}), exchange konstant ({{:kex}}), population of exchanging states ({{:pA}}, {{:pB}}), chemical shift differences ({{:deltaomega}})
* Color and width coded structures (PDB)
* Calculation of Free Energy
* van't Hoff analysis (linear and non-linear model)
* Transition state theory (using Eyring equation)
* Hydrogen-Deuterium (H/D) exchange
* 2D and 3D plotting
* Creation of energy landscapes
* NESSY runs on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems
* Written in Python for maximal performance
* Import of peak lists:
** Space or tabulator separated
** Semicolon separated
** [[CcpNmr]]
** [[Sparky]]
** [[XEASY]]
** [[NMRView]]
** any text file
* Import of VD lists (Bruker)
* Import of Bruker Protein Dynamics Center Project
* [[PyMOL]]
* Excel, OpenOffice...
Results generated by NESSY:
* Plots in PNG, SVG, PS, EPS and PDF format (see following points)
* Exchange constant {{:kex}}
* Exchange rate {{:Rex}}
* Population of exchanging states ({{:pA}}, {{:pB}})
* Shift differences
* Curvefit to different models
* Model selection
* CSV file of results for Excel, OpenOffice...
* Colour coded structures (using [[PyMOL]])
=== Authors ===
* Michael Bieri.
=== Version ===
The last release was {{Current version NESSY}} from March 2012.
=== Reference ===
* {{#lst:Citations|BieriGooley11}}
== Usage in relax ==
The following user function are provided for NESSY support within relax:
* [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_disp_nessy_input relax_disp.nessy_input]
== See also ==
[[Category:Relaxation dispersion analysis]]