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Relax 3.0.1

13 bytes removed, 21:37, 6 October 2020
→‎Changes: Minfx link fix.
* LaTeX fix for the curvefit chapter of the user manual.
* The isInf() and isNan() functions of lib.float can now handle values of None. If None is encountered, the functions simply return False.
* The model-free optimisation code now handles minfx returning nothing. This is due to the fix of [ bug #21001] in relax, which is really a fix for an upstream [{{minfx/ homepage}} minfx] [ bug #21090].
* Created the Mf.test_bug_21079_local_tm_global_selection system test. This is to catch [ bug #21079].
* Extended the Mf.bug_21079_local_tm_global_selection system test for all Monte Carlo simulation steps.
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