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Relax 3.0.1

15 bytes added, 11:41, 15 October 2020
→‎Changes: Switch to the {{relax developer link}} template to remove dead Gna! links.
* Assignments can now contain lowercase letters in Sparky and NMRPipe seriesTab peak lists.
* Fix for the unit test for the reading of intensities from Sparky peak lists.
* Updated the nmrPipe processing script in the relax user manual. This is in response to the post by [{{relax developer link|username=tlinnet |text=Troels Linnet] }} at The text has also been expanded to better explain spectral processing.
* Improvements for the description of the NMRPipe processing script in the R1/R2 chapter of the user manual.
* LaTeX fix for the curvefit chapter of the user manual.
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