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563 bytes added, 09:28, 15 January 2014
Updated the DPL94 page for the new dispersion model format.
The Davis et al., 1994 2-site off-resonance fast exchange relaxation dispersion model for R1rho-type relaxation data. It extends the [[M61]] Meiboom (1961) model to off-resonance data. The model , hence it collapses to the M61 this model for on-resonance data. The reference model is:labelled as '''DPL94''' in relax.
== Parameters == The DPL94 model has the parameters {$R_{1\rho}'$, $...$, $\Phi_{ex}$, $k_{ex}$}. == Reference == The reference for the DPL94 model is: * Davis, D., Perlman, M., and London, R. (1994). Direct measurements of the dissociation-rate constant for inhibitor-enzyme complexes via the T1rho and T2 (CPMG) methods. ''J. Magn. Reson.'', '''104'''(3), 266–275. ([ 10.1006/jmrb.1994.1084]) == Links == The implementation of the MP05 model in relax can be seen in the:* [ relax manual], * [ API documentation],* [ relaxation dispersion page of the relax website].
== See also ==
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