This is a major bugfix release and the first requiring numpy >= 1.6 to allow for faster calculations for certain analyses. There have been improvements to the GUI user functions, the ^[[?1034h escape code is finally suppressed on Linux systems, and the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_com.html structure.com user function]] has been added. Bugfixes include the proper handling of R20A R<sub>20</sub><sup>A</sup> and R20B R<sub>20</sub><sup>B</sup> parameters in the [[:Category:relaxation dispersion|relaxation dispersion]] models, the [[IT99]] dispersion model tex parameter was incorrectly handled, the [[LM63 3-site]] dispersion models had a fatal mistake in its equations, files with multiple extensions (for example *.pdb.gz) are now correctly handled, and closing the free file format window in Mac OS X systems caused the GUI to freeze. Full details can be found below.
For this release, the Mac OS X framework used to build the universal 3-way (ppc, i386, x86_64) binaries for the stand-alone relax application has been updated. The relax application now bundles Python 2.7.8, numpy 1.8.1, scipy 0.14.0, nose 1.3.3, wxPython osx-cocoa (classic), matplotlib 1.3.1, epydoc 3.0.1, [[OpenMPI|mpi4py 1.3.1]] and py2app 0.8.1. This should result in better formatted relax state and results files and give access to more advanced packages for power users to take advantage of.