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Relax 2.1.2

271 bytes added, 17:47, 10 September 2014
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= Description =
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This is the Python super-compatibility release - relax will now run on Python 2.3 all the way to Python 3.3, a span of over 9 years of Python development. Some exceptions are Python 3.0 as numpy and scipy are not compatible with that release, the execution of external programs in Python 2.3 not being supported, and the GUI currently not available on Python 3 due to the wxPython project not being compatible with this new Python design yet. A number of important bug fixes are also included. For more details please see below.
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= Download =
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The new relax versions can be downloaded from If binary distributions are not yet available for your platform and you manage to compile the binary modules, please consider contributing these to the relax project (described in section 3.6 of the relax manual,
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= CHANGES file =
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Version 2.1.2
(17 October 2012, from /trunk)
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== Features ==
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* Python 2.3 to 3.3 support, including large changes throughout the code to be able to run on Python 3.
* Improvements to the [ GUI tutorial in the model-free chapter] of the relax manual.
* A number of bugfixes.
* Small improvements overall.
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== Changes ==
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* The scons 'clean' target now removes the Python 3 __pycache__ directories.
* Small edit to the installation chapter of the user manual.
* Added a tryptophan NE1 data set to the sphere model-free model test data. This is in preparation to catch bug #20197 ( The scripts have also been updated for the newer relax designs.
* Added the data_check Boolean argument to all of the specific analysis overfit_deselect() methods. This allows the unit tests to pass.
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== Bugfixes ==
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* Fix for the State.test_load_state_no_gui() GUI test - the data pipe bundle is now given.
* Another attempt at fixing a nasty circular import in the relax GUI.
* Fix for bug #20197 ( - the PyMOL and Molmol macro failure. The macro creation now only operates on spins called 'N' and assumes these are the backbone nitrogens. The sidechain tryptophan indole NH data will need to be detected and added later.
* Fix for bug #20198 ( - the relaxation data back-calculation error. The problem was that the call to the model-free overfit_deselect() method was deselecting any spins lacking relaxation data. This should not happen, as no spins need to have relaxation data for this calculation.
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= See also =
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