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Relax 3.1.0

2 bytes added, 13:04, 11 September 2014
Fix for one of the user function links to the manual.
* Fixes for the dispersion specific analysis separating R<sub>2eff</sub> from R<sub>2</sub>. There is one R<sub>2eff</sub> parameter per exponential curve, but only one R<sub>2</sub> per model. The code now better handles this.
* The dispersion specific methods now handle one R<sub>2eff</sub> and I<sub>0</sub> parameter per exponential curve.
* Better management of the global relaxation dispersion data. The user functions [ relax_disp.cpmg_frq], [ relax_disp.spin_lock_nu1], and [ relax_disp.relax_time] now maintain data structures in the current data pipe of the unique frequencies, fields, and times (sorted) as well as the number of frequencies, fields, and times. This data is used by the minimise user function back end to set up the target function, and will be required by many other parts of the analysis.
* The dispersion specific _assemble_param_vector() method now handles multiple R<sub>2eff</sub> and I<sub>0</sub> values. These spin structures are dictionaries holding multiple values.
* Created the dispersion specific _exp_curve_loop() method for looping over each exponential curve. This yields the index and key for each curve, simplifying the handling of this data.
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