<section begin=bugfixes/>
* Improved error reporting for multiple vectors in a model-free analysis (bug #18807, [https://gna.org/bugs/?18807bug #18807]).* Updated the deselect.read user function call in the noe.py sample script to match relax_fit.py (bug #19717, [http://gna.org/bugs/?19717bug #19717]).* The relax_fit.py sample script deselect.read user function now has all columns specified (bug #19717, [http://gna.org/bugs/?19717bug #19717]).* Improved the error message system for the spin ID matching multiple spins (bug #19717, [http://gna.org/bugs/?19717bug #19717]).
* Fix for the test suite GUI tests - one of the state system tests was removing the frame order analysis from the generic_fns.pipes.VALID_TYPES list with a pop() call.
* Simplified the wizard_elements.Base_value ResetChoices() method - this is an attempt to fix some racing conditions under wxGTK, triggered in the test suite.