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Relax 3.3.0

467 bytes added, 14:22, 21 September 2014
More testing of links to the API docs.
<section begin=changes/>
* Improved model handling for the internal structural object. The [ set_model() method ] has been added to allow either a model number to be set to the first unnumbered model (in preparation for adding new models) or to allow models to be renumbered. The logic of the [ add_model() ] has also been changed. Rather than looping over all atoms of the first model and copying them, which does not work due to the model validity checks, the entire [ MolList (molecule list) data structure ] is copied using copy.deepcopy() to make a perfect copy of the structural data. The [ ModelList.add_item() method ] has also been modified to return the newly added or numbered model. This is used by the [ add_model() structural object method ] to obtain the model object.
* Updated the Mac OS X framework setting up instruction document. New sections have been added for the nose and matplotlib Python packages, as nose is needed for the numpy and scipy testing frameworks and matplotlib might be a useful optional dependency in the future. The mpy4py section has been updated to avoid the non-framework fink version of mpicc which cannot produce universal binaries. A few other parts also have small edits.
* Removed the Freecode section from the release checklist as Freecode has been permanently shut down. The old relax links are still there (, but Freecode is dead (
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