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Relax 3.3.6

423 bytes added, 08:35, 5 February 2015
Links to wikipedia for the MSA algorithms.
<section begin=features/>
* The [ Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment algorithm ] now calculates an alignment score.
* Implementation of the central star multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithm.
* Implementation of a reside number based multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithm.
* Sequence alignments are now saved in the relax data store.
* Important formatting improvement for the description in the GUI user function windows, removing excess empty lines after lists.
* Creation of the [ structure.sequence_alignment user function]. The [ MSA algorithm ] can be set to either 'Central Star' or 'residue number', the pairwise sequence alignment algorithm to 'NW70' for the [ Needleman-Wunsch algorithm], and the substitution matrix to one of [ 'BLOSUM62'], [ 'PAM250'], or 'NUC 4.4'.
* More advanced support for different numpy number types in the [ lib.xml relax library module]. This allows numpy int16, int32, float32, and float64 objects to be saved in the relax data store and retrieved from relax XML save and results files.
* Merger of structure.align into the [ structure.superimpose user function].
* Import fix for the [ _lib._sequence_alignment.test_align_protein unit test module].
* Added the verbosity argument to [ lib.sequence_alignment.align_protein.align_pairwise()]. If set to zero, all printouts are suppressed.
* The [ Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment algorithm ] now calculates and returns an alignment score. This is in the [ lib.sequence_alignment.needleman_wunsch.needleman_wunsch_align() function]. The score is calculated as the sum of the Needleman-Wunsch matrix elements along the traceback path.* The protein pairwise sequence alignment function now returns the alignment score. This is in the [ lib.sequence_alignment.align_protein.align_pairwise() function]. The score from the [ Needleman-Wunsch sequence alignment algorithm ] is simply passed along.
* Fix for the [ Test_msa.test_central_star unit test]. This is from the [ _lib._sequence_alignment.test_msa unit test module]. Some of the real gap matrix indices were incorrect.
* Complete implementation of the central star multiple sequence alignment algorithm. This includes all the four major steps - pairwise alignment between all sequence pairs, finding the central sequence, iteratively aligning the sequences to the gapped central sequence, and introducing gaps in previous alignments during the iterative alignment. The correctness of the implementation is verified by the [ Test_msa.test_central_star unit test] of the [ _lib._sequence_alignment.test_msa module].
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