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Relax 4.0.0

No change in size, 13:10, 14 October 2015
Symbol fix.
* Added a script for profiling the target function calls of the pseudo-ellipse frame order model.
* Added a timeit script and log file showing how numpy.cos() is 10 times slower than math.cos(). This is for single floats.
* Shifted the calculation of the &theta;<supsub>max</supsub> cone opening for the pseudo-ellipse outside of all loops. This is infrastructure change for potentially eliminating all of the looping for the PCS numeric integration in the future. It however slightly speeds up the pseudo-ellipse frame order model. Using 500 target function calls in the script in test_suite/shared_data/frame_order/timings/, the time spent in the [ pcs_pivot_motion_full_qrint() function] decreases from 20.849 to 20.719 seconds.* Converted the torsionless pseudo-ellipse model to also use the [ tmax_pseudo_ellipse_array() function]. This allows the calculation of the pseudo-elliptic cone opening &theta;<supsub>max</supsub> to be shifted outside of all loops.
* Created a profiling script and log file for the isotropic cone frame order model. This shows where the slow points of the model are, using 2000 target function calls.
* Increased the function call number to 500 in the pseudo-ellipse frame order model profiling script. The profiling log file has also been added to show where the slowness is - specifically that the numeric PCS integration takes almost the same amount of time as the RDC frame order matrix construction using the scipy.integrate.quad() function.
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