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41 bytes added, 18:22, 3 November 2015
Switched the Baldwin14 reference to the {{citation}} template as a test.
The following is an alphabetical list of all citations used on the relax wiki:
* <section begin=Baldwin14/>{{citation| authors = Baldwin A. (2014). | title = An exact solution for R2,eff in CPMG experiments in the case of two site chemical exchange. ''| journal = J. Magn. Reson.'', '''| volume = 244''', | page_start = 114-| page_end = 124. (DOI: [http://dx.| year = 2014| = 10.1016/j.jmr.2014.02.023])}}<section end=Baldwin14/>
* <section begin=Bieri11/>Bieri, M., d'Auvergne, E., and Gooley, P. (2011). relaxGUI: a new software for fast and simple NMR relaxation data analysis and calculation of ps-ns and μs motion of proteins. ''J. Biomol. NMR'', '''50''', 147-155. (DOI: [ 10.1007/s10858-011-9509-1])<section end=Bieri11/>
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