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24 bytes removed, 06:58, 22 July 2013
→‎authors.txt: Updated the email list to more current addresses.
edward = Edward d Auvergne <edward att nmr-relax dott com>
han87 = Han Sun <hasu att nmr dott mpibpc dott mpg dott de>
macraild = Chris MacRaild <c dott a dott macraild att leeds wehi dott ac edu dott ukau>michaelbieri = Michael Bieri <michael.dott bieri att gmx nmr-relax dott chcom>pansapiens = Andrew Perry <pansapiens ajperry att pansapiens dott com>semor = Sébastien Morin <sebastien dott morin att unibas nmr-relax dott chcom>varioustoxins = Dr Gary S Thompson <garyt att bmb nmr-relax dott leeds dott ac dott ukcom>
== See also ==
Trusted, Bureaucrats
