Page history
28 November 2015
→Install packages at server
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Install packages at server
→Install packages at server
→Install packages at server
→Install packages at server
→Install packages at server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Install packages at server
→Get relax and unpack
→Install trunk of relax
→Get relax and unpack
no edit summary
→Deploy google datalab to your server
no edit summary
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→By terminal
→ssh-config with gcloud
→ssh-config with gcloud
→Copy files
→Copy files
→Transfer files back and forth to the server
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Create a Virtual Machine instance
→Start free trial
→8 CPU's
→Deploy again
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Deploy google datalab to your server
→Upgrade account
→Upgrade account
→Upgrade account
→STOP the google instance after test to stop the billing of computation
→STOP the google instance after test to stop the billing of computation
→8 CPU's