Installation windows cygwin

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Setup cygwin

Download setup.exe.
Download/select from a mirror in a country/location near you.
Just take all standard values.

Installing the following items.

  1. subversion : All -> Devel
  2. wget : All -> Web
  3. chere : All -> Shells

Say yes to make a icon on the desktop.

Make an "Open Cygwin Bash Shell Here" option in right-click context menu

Ctrl+Shift and right click on "Cygwin Terminal" icon on the desktop. Select "Run as Administrator"
Write in terminal, to intstall. -t mintty is the bash shell for windows

chere -i -t mintty

Install apt-cyg

apt-cyg is a command-line installer for Cygwin which cooperates with Cygwin Setup and uses the same repository.
The syntax is similar to apt-get.
Note, when you copy, and want to insert, then use: Shift+Insert

svn --force export /bin/
chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg