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Relax releases

299 bytes added, 09:05, 13 September 2014
Added the d'Auvergne and Gooley, 2006 ref.
* [*Bieri et al, 2011] Bieri, M., d'Auvergne, E., and Gooley, P. (2011). relaxGUI: a new software for fast and simple NMR relaxation data analysis and calculation of ps-ns and μs motion of proteins. ''J. Biomol. NMR'', '''50''', 147-155. (DOI: [ 10.1007/s10858-011-9509-1]).
* [*Carver and Richards 1972] Carver, J. P. and Richards, R. E. (1972). General 2-site solution for chemical exchange produced dependence of T2 upon Carr-Purcell pulse separation. ''J. Magn. Reson.'', '''6'''(1), 89-105. (DOI [ 10.1016/0022-2364(72)90090-X]).
* [*d'Auvergne and Gooley 2006] d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2006). Model-free model elimination: A new step in the model-free dynamic analysis of NMR relaxation data. ''J. Biomol. NMR'', '''35'''(2), 117-135. (DOI [ 10.1007/s10858-006-9007-z]).
* [*d'Auvergne and Gooley, 2007] d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. ''Mol. BioSyst.'', '''3'''(7), 483–494. (DOI: [ 10.1039/b702202f).
* [*d'Auvergne and Gooley, 2008a] d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2008). Optimisation of NMR dynamic models I. Minimisation algorithms and their performance within the model-free and Brownian rotational diffusion spaces. ''J. Biomol. NMR'', '''40'''(2), 107-119. (DOI: [ 10.1007/s10858-007-9214-2]).
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