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Relax 1.2.4

277 bytes added, 16:23, 22 September 2014
User function HTML manual links.
* Rewrite of the [ Development of relax] chapter.
* Addition of the user function [ run.hybridise]. ([ task #3122])
* The [ user function '' ] no longer deselects residues when no data is encountered. ([ bug #5501])* Residues are deselected by the user functions '['.html grid_search], '['.html calc], and '[ minimise()' ] if k > n or if there is less than 3 data sets. ([ bug #5501])
* Mapping parameter values onto the structure through Molmol macros. ([ task #3146])
* Added support for arbitrary colour gradients in the Molmol macros. ([ task #3146])
* The diffusion parameters D<sub>iso</sub>, D<sub>&#8869;</sub>, D<sub>&#8741;</sub>, D<sub>ratio</sub>, D<sub>x</sub>, D<sub>y</sub>, and D<sub>z</sub> are generated on the fly. ([ bug #5559])
* Fixed the spacing after 'Gna!' in the manual.
* The '[ grace.write()' user function ] now plots the associated errors. ([ bug #5659])* Fix to the parameter errors not being scaled in the [ user function]. ([ bug #5670])
* Parameter errors were not always included in the results file. ([ bug #5660])
* Removed the memory leak in the relaxation curve-fitting [[C|C modules]]. ([ bug #5602])
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