This is the model for 2-site very-slow exchange model for time scales within range of microsecond to second time scale, where $p_A \gg p_B${{:pA}} ≫ {{:pB}}, and named after Tollinger et al. (2001). This model is labelled as '''TSMFK01''' in [[Relaxation dispersion citation for relax|relax]]. A particularly interesting feature of the dispersion curves is the damped oscillations, which occur at low CPMG field strengths, and is solely a function of the chemical shift difference between the two sites (i.e., independent of the rate of exchange).
== Parameters ==
The TSMFK01 model has the parameters {$R_{2A{:R2Azero}}^0$, $...$, $\Delta\omega${{:Deltaomega}}, $k_{AB{:kAB}}$}.
== Reference ==