* The OMP model-free results file generation script now outputs for any relax version.
* Python 3 fix for the Mf.test_latex_table system test. The latex_mf_table.py model-free system test script docstring contains backslashes, so the raw string format r"""Text""" is now used.
* Python 3 support for Modelfree4 and Dasha[[DASHA]]. The subprocess.Popen class works with byte arrays rather than strings in Python 3+. The Python objects are now interconverted when the Python 3 encode() and decode() methods are detected.
* Removed the pickle format information and arguments from the state user function definitions.
* Eliminated the State.test_state_pickle() system test as pickled states are no longer supported.
* Fix for the Relax_data.test_delete system test for the changes to the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_data_read.html relax_data.read user function].
* Fix for the Relax_data.test_read unit tests for the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_data_read.html relax_data.read user function] changes.
* Fix to the Dasha [[DASHA]] system test needed for the changes to the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_data_read.html relax_data.read user function].
* Fix for the N_state_model.test_monte_carlo_sims due to the changed sphere.pdb test suite file.
* Relaxation data is no longer loaded by relax_data.read if the values and errors are both None.
* Python 2.4 and earlier fixes for the Queuing module. The TaskQueue class from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/475160/ which was added to Python 2.5+ has been added to the compat module. This module is now used for all imports of the Queue class for all Python versions.
* Test suite bug fix - the GUI tests now cleanly terminate the interpreter thread. This allows the test suite to terminate normally. With different Python versions on different operating systems, this could sometimes cause the test suite to freeze at the end, the final printout to be missing, or other strange behaviour.
* Python 2.3- fixes - the Modelfree4 and Dasha [[DASHA]] system tests are now skipped if the subprocess module is missing.
* Python 2.3 and earlier fix for the Test_relax_re.test_search() unit test. The unittest assertTrue() and assertFalse() methods do not exist, so assertEqual() is used instead.
* Python 2.3 and earlier fix - the subprocess module is only imported when present. This is for the stereochem_analysis auto-analysis, but the import kills all of the auto-analyses.