Installation linux

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Installing the relax dependencies

RHEL 5 and compatible distributions

For RPM-based Linux distributions with access to the YUM installer, first install the relax dependencies with:

yum install python
yum install python-devel
yum install numpy
yum install scipy
yum install python-matplotlib
yum install scons
yum install wxPython
yum install grace

If you do not have root access but are in the sudo group, you can type:

sudo yum install python
sudo yum install python-devel
sudo yum install numpy
sudo yum install scipy
sudo yum install python-matplotlib
sudo yum install scons
sudo yum install wxPython
sudo yum install grace

The python-devel and scons packages are only required if the C modules need to be compiled for your system. The Grace software is used for visualisation of 2D data sets.

Minfx and Bmrblib

Remember to check, if there are newer versions of minfx and bmrblib.
The minfx and bmrblib libraries can be installed on all Linux systems by typing:

tar -xzf minfx-1.0.5.tar.gz
cd minfx-1.0.5
python install
cd ..

tar -xzf bmrblib-1.0.3.tar.gz
cd bmrblib-1.0.3
python install
cd ..

Testing the Python installation

Before installing relax, it is best to be sure that the Python modules are functional by importing them:

$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Oct 12 2012, 14:23:48)
[GCC 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)] on linux2

>>> import wx
>>> wx.__file__

>>> import bmrblib
>>> bmrblib.__file__

>>> import minfx
>>> minfx.__file__

Checking out a relax branch

If you would like to play with relax branch rather than the main [relax downloads], the [Subversion] program should first be installed. First the relax sources can be checked out of the source code repository and the C modules compiled:

svn co svn:// relax_disp
cd relax_disp

# Optional building of the user manual, if a LaTeX installation is available.
scons user_manual_pdf

If the svn command does not work, try:

svn co relax_disp

Add to path - C_shell / Tcsh

cd relax_disp
echo "setenv PATH $PWD"':$PATH' >> $HOME/.cshrc