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The Meiboom 1961 2-site on-resonance exchange relaxation dispersion model for all time scales with skewed populations ($p_A \gg p_B$) for R1rho-type data. This model is labelled as M61 skew in relax. Note that the implementation of the model has multiple solutions, or infinite lines of solutions, so it should not be used.


The M61 skew model has the parameters {$R_{1\rho}'$, $...$, $p_A$, $\Delta\omega$, $k_{ex}$}.


The reference for the M61 skew model is:

  • Meiboom, S. (1961). Nuclear magnetic resonance study of proton transfer in water. J. Chem. Phys., 34(2), 375-388. (10.1063/1.1700960).


See also