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Matplotlib DPL94 R1rho R2eff

124 bytes added, 01:02, 15 March 2014
# You have to provide a DPL94 results state file
res_folder = "resultsR1"
res_folder = "results_clustering"
res_state = os.path.join(res_folder, "DPL94", "results")
spin_inte = ":52@N"
# Calculate the offset data
theta_spin_dic, Domega_spin_dic, w_eff_spin_dic, dic_key_list = calc_rotating_frame_params(spin=cdp.myspin, spin_id=spin_inte, verbosity=01)
# Save the data in cdp to access it after execution of script.
cdp.myspin.theta_spin_dic = theta_spin_dic
w_eff = w_eff_spin_dic[param_key]
# Average resonance spin_lock_offset
#print Domega_spin_dic[param_key]
# Y val
#if oi == 0: #print exp_type, frq, offset, point, theta, w_eff
####### PLOT ####