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Tutorial for R1/R2 Relaxation curve-fitting analysis on varian recorded as fid interleaved

Revision as of 11:33, 3 February 2014 by Tlinnet (talk | contribs)


Get the process helper scripts

Check the peak list matches

Prepare files

Make standard peak list 0/test.ft2 peak_list_SPARKY.list >

Find *.ft2 files

ls -v -d -1 */*.ft2 >

Measure heights

seriesTab -in -out peaks_list_max_standard.ser -list -max
cat peaks_list_max_standard.ser

Extract the spectra settings from Varian procpar file

set RELAXT=`awk '/^relaxT /{f=1;next}f{print $0;exit}' procpar`; echo $NCYCLIST
set SFRQ=`awk '/^sfrq /{f=1;next}f{print $2;exit}' procpar`; echo $SFRQ

foreach I (`seq 2 ${#RELAXT}`)
  set T=${RELAXT[$I]}; echo $T $SFRQ >> relaxt.txt

cat relaxt.txt

Measure RMSD in spectra

Measure the backgorund noise RMSD in each of the .ft2 files

Very fast way - RMSD via nmrpipe showApod

We can also use the showApod rmsd.

set FIDS=`cat`
set OUT=${PWD}/apod_rmsd.txt
set CWD=$PWD
rm $OUT

foreach I (`seq 1 ${#FIDS}`)
set FID=${FIDS[$I]}; set DIRN=`dirname $FID`
cd $DIRN
set apodrmsd=`showApod *.ft2 | grep "REMARK Automated Noise Std Dev in Processed Data:" | awk '{print $9}'`
echo $apodrmsd $DIRN >> $OUT
cd $CWD
cat $OUT

paste relaxt.txt $OUT > settings.txt

Relax script

import os
from auto_analyses.relax_fit import Relax_fit

# Taken from the relax disp manual, section 10.6.1 Dispersion script mode - the sample script
# Create the data pipe.
pipe_name = 'base pipe'
pipe_bundle = 'relax_fit'
pipe.create(pipe_name=pipe_name, bundle=pipe_bundle, pipe_type='relax_fit')
# Create the spins
spectrum.read_spins(file='peaks_list_max_standard.ser', dir=None)
# Read the spectrum from NMRSeriesTab file. The "auto" will generate spectrum name of form: Z_A{i}
spectrum.read_intensities(file="peaks_list_max_standard.ser", dir=None, spectrum_id='auto', int_method='height')
# Loop over the spectra settings.
i = 0
for line in timesfile:
    timeT = line.split()[0]
    set_sfrq = float(line.split()[1])
    rmsd_err = float(line.split()[2])
    print timeT, set_sfrq, rmsd_err
    # Set the current spectrum id
    current_id = "Z_A%s"%(i)

    # Set the relax time
    relax_fit.relax_time(time=float(timeT), spectrum_id=current_id)

    # Set the peak intensity errors, as defined as the baseplane RMSD.
    spectrum.baseplane_rmsd(error=rmsd_err, spectrum_id=current_id)
    i += 1
# Save the program state before run.
# This state file will also be used for loading, before a later cluster/global fit analysis.'ini_setup', force=True)

# Set settings for run.
results_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"model_sel_analyt")
pipe_name = 'base pipe'; pipe_bundle = 'relax_fit'
#GRID_INC = 11; MC_NUM = 500
GRID_INC = 21; MC_NUM = 100

Relax_fit(pipe_name=pipe_name, pipe_bundle=pipe_bundle, file_root='rx', results_dir=results_directory, grid_inc=GRID_INC, mc_sim_num=MC_NUM, view_plots=True)