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335 bytes added, 09:36, 25 July 2014
Different graphs.
==== The R1rho: R2 or R2eff as function of effective field in rotating frame: w_eff ====
Ref [2], Equation 27. Here the calculated value is noted as: R_eff: $R_{\text{eff}} = R^{0}_2 + R_{ex} = R_{1\rho}' + R_{ex} = R_{1\rho} / \sin^2(\theta) - R_1 / \tan^2(\theta)$ <br>
Ref [3], Equation 20. Figure 11+16, would be the reference. Here the calculated value is noted as: R_2: $R_{2} = R_{1\rho} / \sin^2(\theta) - R_1 / \tan^2(\theta)$. <br>
Ref [4], Equation 43. $R_{\text{eff}} = R_{1\rho} / \sin^2(\theta) - R_1 / \tan^2(\theta)$ <br>Ref [5], Material and Methods, page 740. Figure 4 would be the wished graphs. Here the calculated value is noted as: R_2: $R_{2} = R^{0}_2 + R_{ex}$
# $R_2 = R^{0}_2 + R_{ex} = R_{1\rho}' + R_{ex} = R_{1\rho} / \sin^2(\theta) - R_1 / \tan^2(\theta)$

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