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Relax 3.3.0

125 bytes added, 18:39, 5 September 2014
→‎Description: More links.
This is a major feature release which includes a huge number of changes, as can be seen below. The most important change is an incredible speed up of all [[:Category:relaxation dispersion|relaxation dispersion]] models. See the table below for a comparison to the previous [[relax 3.2.3]] release. The maximum possible advantage of linear algebra operations are used to eliminate all of the slow Python looping and to obtain the ultimate algorithms for speed. As this is using [[Numpy linalg|NumPy]], conversion to [[C]] or [[FORTRAN]] will not result in any significant speed advantage. With these huge speed ups, relax should now be one of the fastest software packages for analysing relaxation dispersion phenomena.
Other important features include the implementation of a [ zooming grid search] algorithm for use in all analysis types, expanded [ plotting capabilities for R1rho values] in the relaxation dispersion analysis, the ability to [ optimise the R1 parameter] in all off-resonance dispersion models, proper minimisation statistics resetting by the minimisation user functions, and a large expansion of the periodic table information for all elements in the relax library for correctly estimating molecular masses. Additional features are that there is better tab completion support in the prompt UI for Mac OS X, the addition of the [ time user function] for printing the current date and time, the [ value.copy user function] accepting a force argument for overwriting values, model nesting in the dispersion auto-analysis has been extended, the spin-lock offset is now shown in the dispersion analysis in the GUI, the [ relax_disp.r2eff_estimate user function] has been added for fast R2eff and I0 parameter value and error estimation, and gradient and Hessian functions have been added to the exponential curve-fitting [[C|C module]] allowing for more advanced optimisation in the [ relaxation curve-fitting ] and [ dispersion ] analyses.
Note that this new 3.3 relax series breaks compatibility with old relax scripts. The important change, which is the main reason for starting the relax 3.3.x line, is the renaming of the calc, grid_search and minimise user functions to [ minimise.calculate], [ minimise.grid_search] and [ minimise.execute] respectively. Please update your scripts appropriately. A new relax feature is that old user function calls are detected in the prompt and script UIs and a RelaxError raised explaining what to rename the user function to.

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