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Relax 3.3.0

No change in size, 21:23, 7 September 2014
* Another Python 3 fix - the string.split function no longer exists, it is now only a string method.
* Fix for replacing reduce function. This is a Python 3 fix, where this function has been removed. This was reported as a necessity in thread:
* Fix for bug #22411 ([ #22411], the failure in loading a Bruker DC T1 data file. The problem was that there was an empty line with spaces. The logic for skipping empty lines could not handle lines with just whitespace. This has now been fixed.* Fix for bug #22501 ([ #22501], "Close all analyses" raises error in the GUI. The problem was general for all analysis types. This used to work, but as it was not tested in the test suite, a regression occurred.* Fix for the return_r2eff_arrays() dispersion function for exponential curves. This is a partial solution for bug #22461 ([ #22461]. For the Relax_disp.test_r1rho_kjaergaard_missing_r1 system test, there are multiple relaxation times for each data set. For example, printing out the exp_type, frq, offset, point, ei, mi, oi, di, and relax_times data gives: R1rho 799777399.1 118.078 431.0 0 0 0 0 [0.0, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2]; R1rho 799777399.1 118.078 651.2 0 0 0 1 [0.0, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4]. Instead of taking the first relaxation time of 0.0, now the maximum time is taken.* Fix for bug #22505 ([ #22505]. This is the failure of the structure.create_diff_tensor_pdb user function when no structural data is present. The solution was simple - the CoM of the representation is set to the origin when no structural data is present, and the check for the presence of data removed.* Another fix for bug #22505 ([ #22505]. This is the failure of the structure.create_diff_tensor_pdb user function when no structural data is present. Now the cdp.structure data structure is checked, when present, if it contains any data using its own empty() method.* Fix for bug #22502 ([ #22502]. This is the problem whereby the geometric prolate diffusion representation does not align with axis in PDB, as reported by Martin Ballaschk ( This problem was not the main prolate tensor axis, but that the geometric object needed to be rotated 90 degrees about the z-axis to bring the object and axis into the same frame.* Fix for time not extracted for CPMG experiments in target_function. Bug #22461 ([ #22461]: NS R1rho 2-site_fit_r1 has extremely high chi2 value in system test Relax_disp.test_r1rho_kjaergaard_missing_r1.* Fix for interpolating time points, when producing xmgrace files for CPMG experiments. Bug #22461 ([ #22461]: NS R1rho 2-site_fit_r1 has extremely high chi2 value in system test Relax_disp.test_r1rho_kjaergaard_missing_r1.* Correction for catastrophic implementation of Monte Carlo simulations for exponential curve-fitting R2eff values in the dispersion analysis. A wrong implemented "else if" statement, would add the intensity for the simulated intensity together with the original intensity. This means that all intensity values send to minimisation would be twice as high than usually (if spectra were not replicated). This was discovered for Monte Carlo simulations of R2eff errors in exponential fit. This will affect all analyses using full relaxation exponential curves until now. By pure luck, it seems that the effect of this would be that R2eff errors are half the value they should be. A further investigation shows, that for the selected data set, this had a minimum on influence on the fitted parameters, because the chi2 value would be scaled up by a factor 4. Bug #22554 ([ #22554]: The distribution of intensity with errors in Monte Carlo simulations are markedly more narrow than expected. Task #7822 ([ #7822]: Implement user function to estimate R2eff and associated errors for exponential curve fitting.* Added a minfx minimum version check to the dep_check module. This is to avoid problems such as that reported at bug #22408 ([ #22408].
= See also =
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