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Relax 3.1.0

10 bytes added, 14:43, 8 September 2014
no edit summary
* The relaxation dispersion auto-analysis now calls the relax_disp.plot_disp_curves user function. This user function is not implemented yet, but will be used to create plots of the dispersion curves.
* Implemented a basic graph for the relax_disp.plot_disp_curves user function. This simply plots out the nu_CPMG value or spin-lock field verses the R<sub>2eff</sub>/R<sub>1&rho;</sub> values from the experiment. The graph of the back calculated R<sub>2eff</sub>/R<sub>1&rho;</sub> values from the model fit is still to be added.
* Fix for the linear constraints for the 'R2eff' model. The A and b matrices are no longer set to None, as this kills the auto-analysis or any analysis when constraints are turned on. Now the constraints 0 <= &le; R<sub>2eff</sub> <= &le; 200 and I<sub>0</sub> >= &ge; 0 are used.
* Fixes for the peak intensity loading wizard for the frq.set to spectrometer.frequency user function change.
* Fixes for the backend of the relax_disp.plot_exp_curves user function. This code needed to be updated for the major changes in the relax_disp branch.
* Renamed the file for comparing different dispersion software with Flemming Hansen's CPMG data.
* Added the initial results of the CR72 model in relax for Flemming Hansen's truncated CPMG data.
* Simplified the p<sub>A</sub> >= &ge; p<sub>B</sub> constraint in the dispersion linear_constraints() function.
* Fixes for the dispersion linear_constraints() function. The indices were being incorrectly handled - the i and k index should be one and the same parameter index.
* Added support for the 'CR72' or 'Full_CPMG' model to the relax_disp.cpmgfit_input user function.
* The value checks in the Relax_disp.test_hansen_cpmg_data_auto_analysis system test are now less precise. This is to allow the tests to pass on certain MS Windows systems.
* Fix for the setting of the execute permissions on the scripts. The problem was identified in the post at This is within the relax_disp.plot_disp_curves user function after the script has been created. The commit matches the changes from trunk for the Modelfree4 batch script.
* Shifted from argparse to optparse in the scripts from relax_disp.plot_disp_curves. This is associated with bug #20916 ( and the change suggested in the post The argparse module is only available from for Python 2.7.3 (the version with many Python 3 features backported) and Python >= &ge; 3.2. The module has been replaced with the similar optparse module as used by relax, and which available in all Python version supported by relax.
* Updated the scripts created by the relax_disp.plot_disp_curves user function. This was discussed in bug #20916 ( and the change suggested in the post Improved that both small and big letters for image types can be used on the command line.
* Converted the relaxation dispersion chapter of the user manual to the lstlisting environment. This matches the changes occurring within the trunk.
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