= Description =
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This is a major feature release - all users are recommend to upgrade to this version. The major features include the integration of relax and the BMRB via the reading and writing of the BMRB NMR-STAR format files for model-free analyses, support for [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_read_xyz.html reading the XYZ 3D structure files] used in organic chemistry, significant GUI improvements, and better support for the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/bruker_read.html Bruker Protein Dynamics Centre (PDC) files]. In addition a large number of bugs have been resolved. All together, this is a large release consisting of just under 2000 individual changes.
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= Download =
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The new relax versions can be downloaded from http://www.nmr-relax.com/download.html. If binary distributions are not yet available for your platform and you manage to compile the binary modules, please consider contributing these to the relax project (described in section 3.6 of the relax manual, http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/relax_distribution_archives.html).
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= CHANGES file =
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Version 1.3.11
(12 August 2011, from /1.3)
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== Features ==
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* Integration of relax and the BioMagResBank (BMRB, http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu).
* Support for the creation of NMR-STAR version 3.1 files for BMRB deposition of model-free analysis results.
* Added initial support for determining protein connectivities in the internal structural reader. This is currently only for intra-residue connectivities in the protein backbone.
* Support for the [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/structure_read_xyz.html reading of the organic chemistry XYZ 3D structure file format].
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== Changes ==
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* Removed the Numeric module from the --info print out as it is completely unused now.
* Added the Bruker PDC software info to the exp_info module.
* The sconstruct script is only executed when it is the main loaded module or if launched by scons.
* Improved the list of modules and packages used in the epydoc documentation. The files and directories which are not python modules or packages are now properly skipped.
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== Bugfixes ==
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* The setting of the integration method in the pdc.read user function now works.
* Fixes for the pdc.read user function back-end for the NOE PDC file.
* Another divide by zero problem is being caught in the RDC Q-factor code.
* The dipolar_constant() and pcs_constant() functions now catch division by zero problems.
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= See also =