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Relax 1.3.15

431 bytes added, 08:12, 20 September 2014
User function HTML manual links.
* Modified the spin loading wizard so that preloaded structures are the default.
* The maths_fns.relax_fit module is now stored in the dep_check module for the info print out.
* Added the [ structure.read_xyz user function ] to the menus.* Created the Tools->System Information menu entry, which is simply the [ sys_info user function ] front end.* Created the GUI front end to the [ structure.read_xyz user function].
* The relax controller now accepts Ctrl-A to select all text.
* The relax controller now shows the relax intro text to mimic the prompt/scripting modes.
* Introduced the empty() method into the structure API to check if structural data is loaded - this will be used in the spin loading wizard of the spin viewer window.
* Converted the [ structure.read_xyz user function ] front end to the new design.
* Improved details of relax and the compiled C modules from the info print out.
* Created a dictionary object containing wxPython version info within the status singleton object - this is being used to construct the Mac dock icon, when the Carbon and Cocoa builds and not GTK are being used.
* Big bug fix for the installation path for the relax Mac OS X application. The path to the application Resources folder, where all the relax data files are located, is now set to the install path. The module was also overwriting the value set in the status singleton and now this no longer occurs.
* Fix for the py2app script for Mac OS X application creation - the list of data files to include with the app is now properly formatted.
* The relax GUI is now robust and able to withstand a call to the [ reset user function ] - this could have occurred if the user ran a script with a reset() call, or if reset() was typed at the GUI version of the relax prompt.
* Added isatty() methods to all of the dummy file objects within relax - this fixes a number of errors caused by the recent introduction of coloured text.
* Fix for the initialisation of the Exec_info class for the prompt/script output.
* Fix for the [ residue.create user function ] GUI front end - the unnamed molecules are now properly handled, and the gui_to_*() methods are now used for data conversion.
* Fix for the gui_to_int() function for when text instead of an integer is given by the user.
* Bug fix for the [ spin.create user function ] GUI interface for when molecules or residues are not named - unnamed molecules are now properly handled in the GUI page, and the residue name of None is properly converted into a NoneType prior to executing the back end.
* Big bug fix for the deletion of analyses tabs from the GUI - this affects wxGTK users on Macs and Linux. Now the spectrum and relaxation data list GUI elements have observer_register() methods, allowing the analysis delete_all() method to unregister all analysis specific methods from the observer objects.
* Multiple unregistrations of observer methods are now possible without a RelaxError - this allows multiple code paths to unregister methods to allow for pre-removal of methods to avoid queued wx events in wxGTK from occurring on dead or missing objects.
* Fix for the spin viewer window for wxPython 2.9 - this is for when you right click in the tree view panel on nothing.
* Fix for the text on the 'finish' button of the GUI wizard - this was accidentally changed to 'apply'.
* Bug fix for the [ spectrum.replicated user function ] for when it is called twice with the same IDs.
* Bug fix for the relax GUI spin viewer window. When right clicking on nothing in the tree view, an error would occur. Now, instead, a special menu pops up with a single entry for loading spins.
* Fix for the building of the relax C modules as universal binaries on Mac OS X - the linking was not functioning correctly, and the resultant module was build only for i386.
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