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Installation windows Python x86-32 minGW

1,644 bytes removed, 14:20, 20 June 2013
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= Install Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop minGW =Download [], and run it. [http:/vstudio/hs24szh9www.aspx See versions of VS 2012 If you need more help, read this], but you should just do this.# Install to: C:\MinGW# Take all options when installing (about 450 MB)# Take the "pre" package option<brsource lang="text"For 32 bit compiling, you will only needAfter install, edit '''Visual Studio Express for Windows DesktopC:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat'''.<br>From httpInsert at second line a call to our variables:<source lang="powershell">@echo offcall C://www\WinPython27\, download and install: [http://go5.microsoft1\scripts\ Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop].<br>batSkip all extra packages install. After installrem Copyright (C): 2001, 2002, 2003, just exit any program2004, which opened after install.2005 Earnie Boyd</source>
= Install Subversion checkout of relax =
Right click in winpython folder: '''C:\WinPython27''', and select '''SVN Checkout'''. Write the path:
svn:// svn:// relax_disp_32relax_disp_32_ming
== Bugfix scons for 32bit building =Build relax =Due to a bug, versions of scons Open the '''<=2.3MinGW Shell''' should alter a line in:from the start menu. <br>'''CWrite here:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-\python-2.7.5\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.3.0\SCons\Tool\MSCommon\''' Line '''364''':<source lang="python"> if not req_target_platform and target_platform in ('amd64'NOTE,'x86_64'): try_target_archs.append('x86')</source>Should be:<source lang="python"> #if not req_target_platform and target_platform in ('amd64'you can paste into the terminal,'x86_64'): # try_target_archs.append('x86') if target_platform using the little icon in ('amd64','x86_64'): try_target_archs.append('x86') print "requested", req_target_platform print "target", target_platform print "try"top left corner, try_target_archs</source> If not fixing the bugEdit, you will get:Paste<source lang="powershellbash">C:\cd /c/WinPython27\relax_disp_32>scons/relax_disp_32_mingscons: Reading SConscript files ...scons: done reading SConscript files.scons: Building targets ... ############################ Compiling the C modules ############################Building the relaxation curve fitting module 'target_functions\\relax_fit.pyd' cl python /Fotarget_functions\c_chi2.obj /c target_functions\c_chi2.c /nologo WinPython27/I"C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-xxx\scripts\2.7.\5.1/python-xxx\include"'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file2.scons: *** [target_functions\c_chi27.obj] Error 15/Scripts/scons: building terminated because of install
= Build relax =
Open the '''WinPython Command Prompt''' <br>
Navigate to the SVN checked out relax folder.<br>
cd C:\WinPython27\relax_disp_32
Or navigate to C:\WinPython27\relax_disp_32, hold "Shift" and right click, "Open command window here". Write:
= Trouble shooting =
== How-to ==
Download [ mingw-get-inst], and run it.
# Install to: C:\MinGW
# Take all options when installing (about 450 MB)
# Take the "pre" package option
<source lang="text">
It`ll use mingw compiler with msvc options in this case. Will not it?
I think we have to use
env = Environment(tools = ['default','mingw'])
env = Environment(tools = ['mingw'])
== See also ==

Navigation menu