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Relax 1.2.0

16 bytes added, 17:03, 22 September 2014
→‎Description: Internal release notes link.
Other features include a shift to the 'make' system. Installation is now through makefiles and the command 'make install' as root will install relax into /usr/local/. Many of the development related scripts for compiling the manual, removing temporary files, creating the distribution packages, etc have been moved into makefiles as well. [[C|C modules]] have been added which interface with relax through the Python/C API. These implement the functions using in the optimisation of relaxation curves. To create the C shared objects, the command 'make' is used.
The minor version number which can be downloaded is [[relax 1.2.0|relax version 1.2.0]]. This is the first release of the new 1.2 branch.
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